The Neptune Fellowship

Contributor: Richard Osgood

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Ivan Chemalski stands at the center of a blow-up kiddie pool, naked, feet spread, penis erect, defecating in the water. A metallic rendition of The Entertainer cycles over and over from the loudspeaker of an ice cream truck as it approaches, passes, and fades under napping pine trees and languid American flags. Coitus, he calls her, the young Slovakian woman with burlap hair and volcanic skin, who sits in a folding beach chair, fully gowned, feet over the inflated edge of the pool, washing dirt from soil-burdened toes. A glance at the paperback within arm’s-length grasp of fruitful clover, her fingertips callused by fractured asphalt, she anticipates locked doors and drawn shades. Sunrise weighed down by iron skillets and uncharitable destinations serves blood sausage and beets to former transmission assembly workers in dungaree overalls and infertile white t-shirts, and thick-skin widows with dehydrated eyes eat cabbage and ground veal in submissive surrender to the orbital trajectory of dominant genus. Stained water links the two, she and Ivan, in impossible neutrality, a headless allegory of love and a parody of copulation. He masturbates, ejaculates, an orgasm at the endpoint of humanity, at the farthest reaches of pathology—"I am the origin of things," he says. She claps her hands and splashes her feet and sings epic sonnets of mountains and oceans and virtues and sin.

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Richard Osgood lives in a city on a river where the north meets the south. Publication credits include Dead Mule School of Southern Literature, Hobart, Dogzplot, Night Train, Mudluscious, among others. He continues to mourn the deaths of Steve Marriott and Syd Barrett.
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Doing The Santa Thing

Contributor: LA Sykes

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Eye eye. Who is this dodgy looking cunt? Suspicious behaviour indeed. Creeping around the alley at this time of night? What the fuck is he wearing? Who does he think he is? Which house is he planning to hit? Time to find out.

Out the back door and jump the fence. Creep up on this thieving fucker from behind and boot him up the arse as he bends over mauling about with the canvas cover sheet on his getaway vehicle. Rip off his silly hat and grab his hair snapping his head back. Crush his bulbous nose with a quick crack. Look him square in his pleading eyes taking in the white beard slowly turning crimson with blood.

"Don't tell me, you're Santa Claus delivering presents for all the boys and girls?" I ask sarcastically.

"Yes, look please I really am S...."

I cut off his driveling bullshit with another backhand slap. Never could stand thieves.

"Shut up scumbag".

Claims he has a heart condition and needs the pills from the glove compartment of his sleigh. Santa with a bad ticker? Too many mince pies and sherry? Nice try.

“No pills for you thief. Picked the wrong street to burglarize this Christmas!”

Degenerate fool keels over playing dead. Very still. Good acting my son.

The vehicle moves beneath its cover so I rip it off and step back in stunned shock. Nine docile reindeer all stare at me with accusing glares. Harnessed to a quaint wooden sledge.

On the seat is a dirty cotton sack that appears empty. With shaking hands I untie the twine and open it. Stardust sprays the air and a kaleidoscope of colour bursts all around me bathing my senses, illuminating the pitch dark and my soul.

Tie it back up and head to the man in red with a thousand apologies on the tip of my tongue. Won’t rouse, no pulse. Shit.

Desperate times call for desperate measures. Only one option.

Drag the stiffening corpse into the garden. Quickly strip it and cover the pale flesh with firewood and leaves. Have to bury it in the woods before sunrise.

The suit is miles too big and the crotch smells. Dirty bastard. Least the braces keep the pants up.

Clamber into the driver’s seat and grip the reins. Quick tug gets no response. How the fuck do you drive a sleigh?

‘’Mush you stupid cunts!’’

Realise mush is for huskies and go beet red. Glad nobody was around to witness that.

Whip hard but still these dopy bastards don’t go.

No time to spare. Lean over and kick the nearest one in the arsehole. That did the trick and away we go.

Gonna be a long night.

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LA Sykes is a psychotherapist and published sports writer from Manchester England. Bringing a new voice of musings and satire from the inside.
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Single Silent Lust

Contributor: LA Sykes

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The day of the big opening. Display stalls quickly being filled by organisations wanting to be seen the most. Networking and getting their services out there. Being early my work was already done so I spied the chance to grab a smoke before the tape cutting started.

Exiting through the fire escape the summer sun bathed my face in warmth. Cool breeze lightly flickered the flame from the match as I inhaled deeply. It was then I saw her. Sweet strawberry blonde hair bobbed as she walked. My eyes took in her body. Fair skinned shoulders lowered to full curved hips and buttocks covered only lightly by a yellow summer dress. Knee length. No panty line. My blood rushed down and I felt myself swell pushing against denim.

She caught my presence in her peripheral vision. Turned and met my gaze. I caught her eyes and gave a small smile that she returned. Let her follow my sight to her pert rear swaying as she walked. She flushed and continued to her car with a confident stride. I couldn’t watch her go. Ground out the smoke with my heel and returned to the big hall.

Official announcements now over. I roam the place selling raffle tickets to disinterested staff. Wearily approach the local college stall and recite my lines as I stroll. A coin hits the table with a dink thrown by a pale hand. I follow it as my pulse quickens once again rousing me. Her.

Shows pearl white teeth as sweet lips part in that same smile. Sat behind the desk she eyes the swelling bulge in my jeans at eye level forcing me to follow her vision. I notice her nipples harden beneath her flimsy cotton and spy the flush return. Tear off the strip. Write my number instead of the office line. My fingers linger as I place the paper in her palm. Catch the dull gold on ring finger and feel my heart fade.

Move on completing the rounds. No interest. Ready to call it a day and go.

Phone vibrates in my pocket jolting me out of stupor. Unknown number with the two word scroll of fire escape.

Look around dizzily seeing nothing in the buzz of human traffic. Head to the doors finding her midway down the stairs leaning against the rail.
Descend to meet her on the step. Ether between us fires together pulsing electric. Feel her breath and cool lips and hot wet tongue on my neck sucking and licking as her arms pull me close. Lean in without resistance as my fingers run up her smooth thighs under the dress and grip her cheeks roughly spreading them. She moans quietly and brushes my bulging cock quickly fumbling with my belt and buttons. Pulls out my throbbing erection and grips the veined shaft. Wedding ring nipped at the skin as her hand massaged hard. I exhale with raw pleasure as she drops to her knees engulfing head first then deeper as I run my fingers through her fine strawberry blonde hair. She stands abruptly bending over and hitching the hem of her dress backing onto my erect prick and groaning as she grinds slowly down the length. Pull out and crouch licking her sweet wet pussy from behind flicking her hard clit and working up entering her moist pussy with my tongue deeply. Mouth moistens with her excitement as I taste with rabid hunger salivating wildly. The burning fire of lust fires me upright as I stretch her entering with my hands gripping her hips. Fuck hard with each thrust harder than the one before as we climax together.

Her tight lips milk every hot drop as I empty hard. Her juices drench my tight balls as we catch shallow breaths as one.
We dress and she faces me with shifting expressions I struggle to identify.

Want. Hunger. Regret.

Our fingers painfully ease apart as her eyes whisper something close to if only.

Breaks gaze with salt tears that drive shards of loss into my veins.

Then she was gone as swift as she appeared leaving me only her scent I still recall as clear as a December night sky.

Never saw her again.

Never even heard her voice.

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LA Sykes is a psychotherapist and published sports writer from Manchester England. Bringing a new voice in musings and satire from the inside.
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Cold Hard Fear

Contributor: LA Sykes

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‘’You will most certainly NOT be leaving the hospital!’’ Doctor Bubba stated hysterically. Talking to his patients was very stressful, triggering his self-diagnosed situation-specific social anxiety disorder that he’d diagnosed himself with after long periods of self-assessment. He was very convincing in his diagnoses, especially regarding himself, and was suddenly pleased with his expertise on the matter which reduced his anxieties in this social interaction. Relaxing, he leaned back cooly and caressed the sleeve of his suit jacket with the leather elbow patches that he wore continually in the belief they exuded intellectualism, which triggered severe bouts of self-consciousness, triggering an acute bout of self-consciousness.

‘’Why not! I’ve been compliant with this ridiculous charade to assuage my Community Psychiatric Nurses’ fears! If she hadn’t gone off sick with panic attacks she would have vouched for me to the N’th degree!’’, pleaded Stuart-the dog-shit-obsessionist convincingly. Then he realised his C.P.N. may have had a panic attack witnessing this and was caught between a rock and a hard place. Doctor Bubba may have attributed her panic attack to his plea for discharge which would have triggered a stress response in the doctor, ergo ruling out this as an option. He silently thanked his lucky stars for his C.P.N’s nervous disposition, simultaneously cursing her for her nervous disposition in not being able to vouch for him.
Doctor Bubba felt a nervous trickle of cold sweat break out on his lower back as he tried to remember what assuage meant. For a brief instant he worried profusely that he was in the early stages of Alzheimers disease and his short term memory was beginning to fail him, but this fear was quickly forgotten much to his immediate relief. He stated emphatically ‘’But you’re showing all the symptoms of someone suffering from severe paranoia, even persecution and removal of freedom of choice, more-so that somehow you are being controlled by an external influence. Because of this I will not sanction your discharge. In fact I will recommend you will go back on ten minute observations! It is necessary for someone to watch you every ten minutes to assess whether or not you are paranoid about people watching you. That’s my decision!’’, stated Doctor Bubba with an air of relief and subsequent self-conscious paranoia about the leather elbow patches being visible while gesticulating. ‘’And stop staring at my elbow patches will you! That is a covert attempt at ridicule!’’ Dr Bubba added firmly with no conviction.
Stuart-the-dog-shit-obsessionist was momentarily captivated by the leather elbow patches which he had never noticed before and as hard as he tried could not stop his face from revealing overt ridicule.
‘’Now that is overt ridicule!’’ Dr Bubba expelled with instantaneous detection. ‘’You are much worse than I thought! You’re asking for discharge? Why that’s insane!’’
Stuart-the-dog-shit-obsessionist was swiftly ushered from the consulting room with extreme despondency, not only because of his denial of leave or discharge but the fact was he still hadn’t been able to explain or express his concerns regarding the consequences of his dog shitting in public when he’d failed to carry a shit scooper bag. According to the council’s solicitors he’d been photographed and CCTV’d committing this heinous act of public indecency, yet he retraced his steps and couldn’t find the camera. As such, he’d began to reason people around him had been the instigators and therefore likely been videoing him and his dog on their walks, supplying the only source of evidence for the council charge. He’d then started to make attempts to find out which one of these vindictive bastard neighbours it was, to no avail. An innocent chat with his C.P.N about this and he was here, due to her anxiolitic proclivities. The terrifying problem was that Stuart-the-dog-shit-obsessionist had never been paranoid before, nor was he obsessed by dog shit and became increasingly depressed by being regarded as an obsessionist about his dog shitting. He had a C.P.N only because he’d had a depressive period in the past and was as such humouring a follow up. This worried him immensely and the dilemma was neither being addressed, nor seen in true light. It was beginning to evolve into his ball and chain of insanity according to the labile doctor with the bizarre overtly ridiculous elbow patches. Stuart retired to his room, his agitation increasing cold hard fear by the ten minute intervals he saw staff checking whether he was paranoid about being watched by people by watching him every ten minutes.

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LA Sykes is a psychotherapist and published sports writer from Manchester England. Bringing a new voice of satire and musings from the inside.
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I Love To Ride

Contributor: Jenny Nielsmann

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I love to ride. I love the feel of the sweat as it slicks across my body, runs down the crack of my ass and drips to the cock throbbing between my thighs. I love the movement of men beneath me, the hardness they hurl balls deep into me, filling me, grabbing me with arching fingers as I rise, as I roll my cunt back and forth, cradling every inch of them, teasing them until they cum.

Teasing them until the ride is over.

Teasing them to make them eager, eager for me, eager for the snatch they remember, the hot wetness they crave. I'll play with myself to get them hard again, moan a little in their ears. I know what men like. I know what cocks love.

I love only one thing. I love to ride.

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Blond hair, blue eyes, skin tanned Hawaiian style. You know you want me.
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Contributor: Seth Johnson

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Every week she returns to the same room to get fucked by strangers. Man or woman, it makes no difference. She’ll gladly let anyone fuck her. She never knows their names, at least not the ones that speak. They always know hers, even though she rarely uses the same one twice. She changes her appearance, too. But there is always some flaw. On the nights when she is ornamented and manicured, she is also bloated. Other nights she is hurried, almost late, arriving sleepless and bare, unfinished.
Her intentions are pure, even though it is not always easy to tell.
They take turns with her.
She passes from one set of hands to another. Some fuck her more than once. Some can’t stop fucking her. Some get impatient and snatch her away, even though her legs are flipped open to reveal her middle, and her climax is on the tip of another’s tongue. A few of the strangers are gentle with her, caressing her skin, admiring her features. They are the ones who never get to hold her long enough. They are quiet fuckers.
It’s the loud fuckers that get her the longest. Sometimes they are brash, they know the best way she should be fucked. Some of them compare her to other girls they’ve fucked: recently, long ago, or even several times. The other girls are always better, professional, maybe even famous. Something about her, the mole on her cheek or the tone of her voice, reminds them of past conquests.
They boast because some of these girls are hard to fuck.
Most of them, in the interest of the best possible fucking experience, focus on her shortcomings. She takes too long to get them hard. She takes too long to get them wet. She fails to keep them aroused. She quit, just stopped, right when they were getting close. She made them come too soon. Usually, she doesn’t make them come at all.
After, she goes home and rests in a dark place, usually for a long time, sometimes forever. She might decide to fix up her appearance and work out her deeper, more significant issues and really do something with her life. But probably not.

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A Real Arthurian Legend #23b

Contributor: P.A.Levy

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crack of dawn (lovely girl is dawn) … morning has broken … up with the larks … in the heroic minute there was a word and the word was cunt …

lancelot awoke from his slumbers and his automatic codpiece extension creaked and groaned to full size to accommodate his gentleman’s good morning
as always in this state the first thought to enter lancelot’s mind was
must get cunt
but he realised his quest could be severely hampered by morning dragon’s breath

when able to reset his codpiece to default position he arose for a slash (this is the only legend with such realistic detail)
then set off for the tavern a pint or two of some mead to honey his rank breath
for this was a known successful remedy after so much smoking skunk but whilst at the tavern lancelot couldn’t help but become besotted with the new serving wench
who was very pretty
and lancelot immediately wished for the wench to give him a tit wank

and the serving girl on seeing lancelot thought
ah knightly cock nightly and aroused him by rubbing her buttocks up against his codpiece which creaked and groaned and as she bewitched him to the thrum of a lute
stole his heart

for the girl worked for dr frankenstien
and they needed fresh body parts
to fulfil a commission to create a new television presenter for
albion’s got x-factor talent when dancing on horseback

keep lancing

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Born East London but now residing amongst the hedge mumblers of rural Suffolk, P.A.Levy has been published in many magazines, both on line and in print, from ‘A cappella Zoo’ to ‘Zygote In My Coffee’. He is also a founding member of the Clueless Collective.
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Occupy My Manhole

Contributor: Allen Taylor

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I awoke one morning to the sound of footfall under the covers. The sounds of boots, pedes shod and unshod, hooves of human miscreants, and stomping substructures pounding upon my fundament. Shouts of protests accompanied said racket and in truth it amounted to nothing short of bedlam to my naked alarm clock ears.

What I felt was every bit disturbing as the hubbub upon my flaps. The clamorous clang upon my orifice made a madhouse seem quite sane.

They gathered first in small numbers, then the maelstrom grew. A peaceful protest against the residents of my inner parts. Some of the dissidents carried signs, signs which read, “Down with the 1%,” or “Liar, Beggerman, Thief.” A few derided in anger the status of the turds that lingered deep within my colon; others arrived simply to join in something bigger than their helpless unholy selves.

By noon there were hounding hapless hooves gathering around my nipples. Others formed in my pits. And behind my knees. But the demonstration at the opening of my ass grew louder and larger than them all.

It wasn’t long before peace turned to violence. A Praetorian Guard formed to quell the verbal protestations, to ensure they did not whirl too far out of control. Armed and armored, the Guard held back the chanting mob preventing insults and barbs from reaching the primal intellects of those too-well-off objects of scorn.

Protesters were sprayed. They were beat. They were splayed. Whacked in their obliques. Cursed and coursed, they were driven from their parks, arrested, driven from their lawful places.

By nightfall they’d begun to march. I felt the plunging paws prodding deeper and deeper into my brawny manhole, diving into divers places, advancing upon the turds hiding out in their penthouses in the far reaches of my colon. Protesters progressed beyond the shit, headed toward my ileum tramping and traipsing into the bile, the residue of digested particles lingering in my tubes. Their chants continued. Their insults grew louder as they made their way into my jejunum. Verbal assaults plowed my eardrums until I thought I’d go insane. Extremities pushed their way through pepsin, acid, protein, and blood and found their way to a placid duodenum, relentless in their search for justice.

Forging ahead, they announced with every step, “We are the 99%. We are coming for our fair share!”

Into the sac of my stomach they plummeted, stomping their insistence into acid, enzyme, and sludge. They circled themselves around the exterior of my digestive walls. Chanting, screaming, haunting the canals and wide open spaces.

“We want jobs!”

They would not stop.

“Give us more!”

It became unbearable.

“Down with the guards of injustice!”

They grew louder, more vehement.

“Cronies of establishment, we want you! Come out of your towers. Meet with equals in the square. We are the 99% and we – are – here!”

No sooner had their percussives vibrated on tympanics a flood of juices washed away the peacefulness of their protests. All went silent. But in the darkness of my body, from esophagus to gloried exit, there bounced a tepid echo that will go on forever, from wall to wall to wall.

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Allen Taylor is a published poet and fiction writer living in Pennsylvania. He has a wife, three grandchildren, and some stepchildren who claim him as Dad. An Iraq War veteran, he is the author of and is the webmaster at He supports the Occupy Wall Street movement unashamedly. You can learn more about him at
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Poor Jerry

Contributor: Moxie Malone

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Poor Jerry.

It was difficult to watch him slowly deteriorate day after day. It's never easy seeing someone you care about suffer. Unable to do anything to ease the pain, you feel helpless, irrational and guilty. There were moments - fleeting moments - when it crossed my mind that maybe, just maybe I was somehow responsible. Hell, at the end, Jerry blamed me, but any rational person would know that it was ridiculous to fault me. To my knowledge, stepping on cracks never broke any mother's back and secret curses don't come to pass.

It's true, there were times when I was angry with wickedly cruel thoughts, but I would never act on them and certainly never tell him. I didn't really mean to cause any actual harm, which is not to suggest that it is possible to inflict pain with a simple thought. Obviously, it's just not possible.

Still, if he had just apologized, even once, I would have taken it all back - those thoughts, those vividly destructive images that played in my mind and the silly little rhymes that I would chant in my head. He hurt me and I lashed out in the only way I would. It was a defense mechanism from my childhood, I suppose - a harmless defense mechanism.

To be clear, I never once laid an angry or hurtful hand on him, which is more than I can say about Jerry. He was still under the affects of anesthesia the first time he smacked me. Although, that was not my first inkling that he had a temper.

I figured out pretty early on in our relationship that he was prone to flaring up in anger, quite unexpectedly. I still don't know what set him off that night when he threw my brand new laptop across the room, smashing it against the wall.

Of course, I didn't actually kick him in the balls for that; I just pictured myself doing it. Even now, I can almost feel the satisfying yield of his scrotum as my imaginary foot sunk deep into his imaginary nut sack. I would liken that satisfaction to the deliciously indescribable feeling you get when you press your fingers against those little plastic air pockets found in bubble wrap and they acquiesce with a final airy pop.

I felt badly for him when we had to take him to the doctor's office later that same week. He could hardly walk from the pain in his crotch. It came on quite suddenly and worsened over the next few days. The doctor couldn't find anything wrong with him and suggested that he had likely pulled a muscle in his groin. Perhaps he did that when he heaved my laptop across the room; secretly, I thought it served him right, if he had. Rest and aspirin were what the doctor ordered.

The laptop survived with only a small crack in the plastic case and Jerry seemed to get better for a little while.

He suffered a relapse a couple of weeks later right after a particularly aggressive fuck session. Jerry had a tendency, on occasion, to get rough during sex. I remember that time specifically, because he actually bit my shin, causing me to scream out in pain. It left an ugly purple-black bruise that lasted for months. He must have re-pulled that muscle too, because we had to make another trip to the doctor.

I found it mildly amusing when the doctor cupped his balls during the examination. It was not unlike what I pictured doing right after he bit me. Except, in my little mind-movie, I dug my nails into his flesh and squeezed until he cried like a little girl. I confess that it made me giggle. The truth is, it still does.

It was just a harmless fantasy - a tension reliever that allowed me to get past my anger. It worked, too; I forgave him for both the pain and the horrible mark he left on me. In time, the bruise faded and disappeared but not before turning a grisly shade of green. I'd say that it was about the same shade of green as the phlegm that Jerry started hacking up from the cough he developed. Damned cigarettes; he really needed to give those up.

At the doctor's suggestion, we bought Jerry a cane for walking; that muscle pull was really causing him a great deal of pain and wasn't showing any signs of improving.

I think the worst of it was the blow to his ego. Understandably, he felt a bit emasculated, though he would never say so. I knew that there were two things that Jerry was most proud of besides his intellect: his cock and his hands.

I suppose most men are fond of their organ, but Jerry took special pride in both the form and function of his penis. As for his hands, he was very fast on the keyboard and did a good deal of computer work - scripting, coding and the like. He once remarked that his greatest fear was to lose the use of his hands, presumably because it would affect his ability to work. I think he feared that if he lost the use of his hands, he would not be able to hold the love of his life - his cock.

He became difficult to be around while we waited for his groin injury to heal. He was always snapping at me and being generally mean spirited, grouchy and ungrateful. The more I did to help out and care for him, the nastier he became. He never even offered a simple, "thanks" for everything that I was doing to make him comfortable - to make his life easier. It wasn't expected, but neither was his miserable attitude.

Undoubtedly, it was a combination of the pain and his inability to have sex that made him so disagreeable. Oh, he tried repeatedly - the man had a nearly insatiable sexual appetite, but it always ended with him unable to cum or if he did manage to orgasm, he wound up doubled over in pain.

Frankly, the nastier he got, the less I wanted to be around him, let alone have sex with him, but I kept those thoughts to myself. Admittedly, I wasn't proud of the mean thoughts I was having at the time, especially in light of his condition. I really wish he had offered a simple "thank you" or an "I'm sorry." I can't say that it would have made him feel better, but I know I would have been in a more charitable mood.

His condition worsened and, once again, we returned to the doctor. This time, the doctor did find something and ordered tests. Somehow, Jerry had managed to get a double hernia that had gone undetected; surgery was scheduled. I knew there had to be a reasonable explanation for his ever-increasing pain.

That was the day that he smacked me - the day of his surgery. It was an out-patient procedure so he was still groggy from the general anesthesia when I was driving us home. To this day, I'm unclear what he thought I said or did that gave him cause to smack me. I was stopped at an intersection and just started to pull out when, out of nowhere, there was a jarring, stinging pain to my cheek. I swear my brain rattled in my head.

Reflexively, I stomped back onto the brakes as my mind ran scenarios to determine what happened: Accident. We were hit. No. I was hit. He hit me. That fucker just hit me.

Quickly, I moved from confusion to understanding and a flash of anger exploded inside of me. I couldn't even speak, which was probably for the best. I can still recall the picture that played over and over in my head as I stared at him in disbelief - the picture of slamming the offending hand in the car door again and again and again. It took me a couple of minutes to regain my composure so that I was able to drive.

I had to repeatedly remind myself that he was under the influence of the anesthesia and while he could be cranky at times, he had never struck me before that day. Even though it was out of character for him and it was an unusual circumstance, it was difficult to let go of the anger this time. I even made up a childish chant in my head; the kind that made me feel better when I was a young girl - when I fancied myself a powerful, good witch who could cast spells to defeat evil and banish monsters back to the sewers from whence they came.

Jerry, Jerry quite mean and scary;
There's something you should know:
'til you look in my eyes and apologize;
Your pain will grow and grow.

I think I silently repeated that silly chant in my head for weeks until I was able to move past the incident and forgive him.

Sadly, it took longer than expected for Jerry to recover from the surgery. The doctor was perplexed and commented that this was not a complicated procedure; Jerry should be further along than he was. He was given a different prescription of pain meds and reminded to refrain from heavy lifting or extended periods of standing.

The newest prescription was a stronger dosage than before and I remember noting a glazed, dull look in Jerry's dark brown eyes as he sat at that damned computer typing for hours on end - sometimes for eighteen hours a day - day after day. At least he was staying off of his feet.

It shouldn't have come as a surprise when he developed carpal tunnel syndrome; that much time spent on a keyboard was bound to cause problems in his hands. It also didn't come as a surprise that his already dismal mood spiraled ever-downward. That was when he started chasing the pain meds with vodka.

It was heart breaking to see someone so young fall apart right in front of my eyes. I worried that he was slowly killing himself as he swallowed more and more pain pills and drank larger quantities of vodka all while seated at the center of a cloud of thick, blue smoke that hung lazily around him from the cigarettes that he burned non-stop.

I blame that lethal cocktail combination on his inability to get an erection even with the aid of those little blue pills that his doctor prescribed. Jerry blamed me.

That was the gist of the argument the night that he grabbed hold of my arm and twisted it painfully behind my back, bending me to my knees. "This is your fault," he screamed at me as I tried to contort my body to relieve the agony that burned along my arm.

I knew it was the pills and booze talking, but that didn't change the lingering pain that seared up my arm every time I tried to move it. I no longer pictured terrible things happening to him; he was creating and living in his own hell that was worse than anything I could dream up. I did write another poem in my head that gave me comfort, though.

For every pain you inflict on me;
You will suffer it three times three.
I fear your "sorry" will come too late;
And, soon you can't even masturbate.

Gradually, as my pain subsided, I no longer needed the chant to feel better and returned to tending to Jerry who was now scheduled for another surgery. This time, it was on both of his hands. Though we never spoke of it, we were both painfully aware that he was teetering dangerously close to realizing his greatest fear.

You'd think that he would have shown some degree of gratitude for the extra effort it took to help him as he recovered from the surgery. I became his hands since his were wrapped in bandages and essentially useless. Jerry - being Jerry - not only showed a complete lack of appreciation, he acted as if he held me in contempt. The expression in his eyes said, "This is your fault."

He was supposed to keep the bandages on for three weeks at a minimum and not use his hands to allow them to heal properly. He lasted only a few days before he ripped off the bandages and stubbornly went back to the keyboard on his computer against the doctor's explicit orders.

There was no convincing him otherwise, either. I'd see him wince in pain as he stroked the keys then reach for his glass of vodka that was ever-present on his desktop. His typing was much slower than before - impeded by his unhealed hands and the affects of the pain pills and liquor.

I couldn't watch him self destruct any longer and took to staying in the bedroom. Rarely, did I hear any movement coming from the living room. He was becoming more of a fixture than a person sitting in the same spot all day long until the early morning hours. Oftentimes, he didn't even come to bed.

He started watching his extensive porn collection for hours at a stretch. Even with the door closed, I could hear the artificial moans and panting of plastic babes taking a pounding. "Yeah, baby, give it to me. Fuck me baby. Harder. Harder," echoed through the walls and invaded my dreams well into the wee hours of the morning.

Sometimes, from the doorway, I'd watch him sit there with his limp cock laying lifeless in his crippled hand as he starred blankly at the screen - a cigarette burning in the ashtray next to his glass of vodka. My heart ached at the sight, "Please stop," I whispered from the dark.

The last time that he hit me, I was sitting on the bed watching a movie. He charged in and whacked me on the back knocking the breath from me. I jumped up in a panic gasping for air as piss poured out of me. He'd managed to nail me in the kidney.

He recoiled in pain, grabbing his hand and ducked just as the lamp flew past his head followed by everything in a five foot radius of me. Oddly, I don't even remember picking up and throwing those things. I do recall the shocked look on his face as books, lamps, a bed tray, and various bed stand items flew through the air and bounced off the wall mere inches from his head; I think he was surprised at my reaction. I was surprised at my piss-poor aim.

He stayed away from me until he departed days later. I've not seen him since.

It's a shame we parted company under those circumstances. No apologies. No thank you for the good times. Just the sound of a door closing. I sent my silent wishes with him on his journey.

So, the time has come for you to go;
There's still something that you should know.
I send you love as you walk away;
May you get what you deserve each and every day.

Good bye, Jerry.

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Moxie Malone is a purveyor of dreams, fantasies and the occasional nightmare --
Purv for short. Usually sensual, often romantic, frequently erotic, sometimes humorous and nearly always offbeat aiming for provocative, the stories that she writes as well as the people, places and events found in them are pure fiction and nothing more - as far as you know.
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Nom de Plume

Contributor: Quill Enparchment

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Coming home for the evening after a hard day of work, I had two things on my mind: a hot bath to wash the stench of ink off my skin, and a date with the dragon.
President Grant visited Virginia City today and the streets filled with hullabaloo the moment he stepped off the train. I wanted to cover the story for the newspaper but that son of a bitch editor I work for reminded me that women weren't real writers and told me to go cover the quilter's circle. My afternoon had me up to my ears in tea and talk about the ladies' work being done in time for Halloween.
I'm not part of the quilter's circle. In fact, I don't sew at all - not a stitch. Can't even darn my own socks. I write minor stories and help the guys on the printing presses. Every evening my skin is covered in stinky black ink and sweat. No wonder I'm single.
Mr. Chang was the only one who would rent to me after Philip was shot last year. I lost our house to the man who pulled the trigger. The swindler claimed the property was lawfully his, and the gunfight proved him right.
My job doesn't pay much, but it's enough to rent one of the apartments above the opium parlor. My. Chang wasn't actually using this particular unit anyway. It's up a very narrow, winding staircase that opium users have a hard time ascending. He keeps the stairwell hidden behind a red silk curtain to deter trespassers.
On my way home tonight, a very handsome stranger opened the door for me - obviously a passerby as I didn't recognize him. No "helloes," between us - just a cordial exchange of nods and polite smiles.
It wasn't so much his facial features or stature that impressed me. It was his skin - a stunning golden color unlike a farmer's tan or the olive tone of the Orientals. And its texture was so soft and creamy that I wanted to reach out and touch him, stroke my fingertips across his back, dig my nails into him.
We stepped into the parlor then went our separate ways. The golden man made a bee line for the bar. I headed toward Mr. Chang. I allow myself one taste of the Chinaman's pipe per week. It helps me write. I don't dare smoke too much of it or I'll end up like the others with a fatal case of dysphoria. But the dragon summons my muse the way no one else can. I’m not just a journalist. I'm also an aspiring novelist and hope someday to be the next Mary Shelley.
Mr. Chang took my money and handed me a pouch filled with black paste wrapped in rice paper. I passed through the silk curtain leading to my apartment and took about three steps upward when my curiosity over the new stranger got the best of me. I found myself compelled to tip-toe back down to peak through the slit in the curtain to see what he was up to.
The guest was still at the bar. Thomas the bartender was pouring him a brandy. Mr. Chang greeted the newcomer and rang his bell, signaling for the girls to line up. The girls fanned the room like a peacock's tail, each one part of a train of bright yellow camisoles, blue robes, purple bodices and low-cut green dresses, their breasts exposed to give the customer a view of the merchandise. Jade jewelry dangled from their ears and necks, the pendants running into their cleavages, accentuating their femininity. I stayed a moment to see which woman the gentleman would choose.
He must have been displeased with the selection because he turned to leave. He took about two steps forward when the air in the room thickened. It wasn't from the smoke or dust, though. Adélaïde walked through the door. She was late getting back to the parlor tonight because she sings at the opera house down the street. Beautiful voice - powerful just like the rest of her.
Adélaïde was not part of the peacock fan. She trudged into the room and took a seat at the bar with her back arched, shoulders proud, and legs crossed. Tonight she was wearing a black feather-trimmed corset and ankle-length velvet skirt. Her long, wavy chestnut locks cascaded over her shoulders and framed her neck. Thomas poured her a cognac.
The stranger seemed to know who she was. He put his arm around her and pulled her close to him, striking up what appeared to be a conversation between two very close friends. I couldn't hear every word of their conversation, but I made out something about him being in town as part of a traveling performance troupe.
"So you're still singing?" Adélaïde asked in that guttural, breathy tone that drives all the men wild. The stranger nodded in answer to her question, but his eyes seemed more focused on her ankles than her words. He moved in a little closer and started rubbing her bare shoulders. Mr. Chang darted over to the couple, shooting the man a look of "don't touch unless you're willing to pay." The stranger complied and handed Mr. Chang a wad of money. Adélaïde took the gentleman's hand and led him to her room. I closed the curtain and headed up to mine - alone.
Depressed and lonely, I drew the bathwater and tossed in some of the lavender bath salts Adélaïde gave me for my birthday last year. Once the tub was full, I undressed and slipped inside.
"I want that golden skin," I told myself over and over again. As I looked down at my body in the bath water, I compared my figure to Adélaïde's and realized there was no hope of me ever feeling any man's touch again, let alone an Adonis like her golden man. The more I dwelled on the situation, the more frustrated I became, so I stepped out of the bath, dried myself off and slipped into my very plain, white cotton nightgown.
I looked over at my nightstand where my opium kit was sitting. It's an ornate black cloisonné box with images of white plum blossoms decorated all over it. I bought it from Mr. Chang the first time he sold me his drug.
I fetched the pouch my landlord had given me earlier this evening and walked over to the kit. I pulled out the tray and the knife and cut myself a small piece of black poppy paste, rolling it into a pill. The tip of the needle, so pointed and sharp, begged to lance the small capsule. I heeded its command, then inserted the ball into the bowl of the pipe and lit the lantern sitting on my nightstand. As I lay down on my settee, reclining on my right side, I picked up the pipe and held the bowl over the lantern to allow the paste to vaporize and flow up the shaft into my mouth. One inhale, then two. A few more and my mind found itself reaching for the dragon's trustworthy talon as he led our dance, one I'm sure he had shared with partners like Mary Shelley, Emily Bronte and Jane Austen. I ignored the nausea.
When the lucid dreams started, I saw images of a dozen crows standing on the floor of Adélaïde's room. Their feathers carpeted the floor. Adélaïde was nowhere in sight. Her gentleman friend was sitting on the settee completely naked and oblivious to the birds as well as to me. By his countenance I could tell that he had only a puff or two from the pipe. He sat up straight on the settee with a peaceful but not entirely inebriated look on his face.
"These are your gifts, Rossalyn," a chorus of black beaks squawked as one by one they handed me their quills.
"Why so many?" I asked my gracious friends.
"You have much to write," they replied. "Yes, much to write."
"Thank you for the gifts, my friends, but I have no ink or parchment."
"Yes you do." Squawk. "Yes you do."
I knew what they were implying and I wondered if I had the nerve to actually pursue their suggestion.
"This is just a dream," I reminded myself. "I'm not going to actually hurt anyone."
Grabbing as many of the feathers as I could before Adélaïde came back from wherever she was, I knew I wanted to stay and watch her in action. When I heard her approach, I ran and hid in the doorway. She was still dressed in her evening clothes.
Adélaïde pounced on the gentleman caller, knocking him on his back and grabbing his wrists, pulling them over his head and tying them together with a leather strap. She straddled her long-lost friend and started unfastening the hooks on the back of her corset. The corset fell to the ground and she pulled her black skirt over her head, revealing her sensuous body and the black stockings and shoes that remained to cover the bottom half of it. There were no other undergarments.
She moved with the most graceful, elegant, serpentine gestures. The golden man's moaning grew louder and faster in direct response to her movements. When he arrived at his orgasm, Adélaïde wasted no time getting up to clean herself.
The gentleman rolled onto his side, his bound arms reaching for another puff from his pipe. Since Adélaïde was busy, I ran over to him, freeing his wrists from the leather strap and relighting the lantern for him. No thank yous. I was invisible as far as he was concerned.
Although mentally, I acknowledged this whole affair was nothing more than a surreal journey, I still wondered if perhaps it wasn't as illusory as I thought. I didn't want the man to wake and find me or the crows in the room. I started to leave when the corvids called me back.
"You are not done yet. No, not done."
"What do you mean?" I asked my fine, feathered friends.
The man's pipe was soon empty. He rolled over onto his stomach and fell asleep on the settee. His bare back exposed. My temptation was too great. I took one of the quills and thought about my heroines - Shelley, Bronte and Austen.
It was then the most fantastic story line came to me. I had to write it down, but there was no parchment and no ink. However, I did have a fresh quill and the most beautiful canvas in front of me.
The golden man was out cold.
I sat atop his buttocks and started stroking him with the sharp edge of the quill, just a light scratch, not deep enough to draw blood. As the characters, setting, and plot unfolded, I dug a little deeper.
Adélaïde was still washing up. She was totally unaware of what I was doing to her customer.
I couldn't help it. My own version of Frankenstein's monster was before me. The gorgeous sanguine liquid flowed over that stunning golden parchment. The poor crow's quill was covered in blood, which dripped down my hands and forearms. The birds cheered me on.
"Quiet!" I scolded at the crows. "Adélaïde will hear you."
"No, no, Quill, don't worry," they all replied.
"Quill?" I asked, wondering why they were addressing me by such an odd name.
"Yes, yes, Quill," they squawked over and over. "That is your new name. Quill Enparchment. Sign that as your nom de plume. Yes, yes, nom de plume."
The dream ended at that point. I found myself in my own room, in my own bed, with my pipe on the table right where I left it. The crows, feathers and blood were nowhere to be found. But the story I had written was still fresh in my mind so I spent my weekend committing it to paper. I signed it Quill Enparchment.

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Quill Enparchment is a writer living in Northern California. Her work is best described as macabre erotica, although it is tasteful and targeted toward an audience that appreciates cerebral adult fiction.
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I Want To Fuck You

Contributor: Korrie Calanthe

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I want to fuck you.
I want to drag my tongue across your lips, your face,
nibble your ear, breathe it,
fog and tonguefuck your skin,
tease you, bite lightly, pull,
teeth scouring, clawing,
just enough to make you
hot, ready,

Grab me, take me,
take me!
you're mine, mine
every inch of you
every inch
every inch.

Give me every inch
lose yourself in me
lose yourself
and become mine.

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Bad Hands

Contributor: William Clifford

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Who can sleep anymore? Not me. Not after Heather. Not after Marvin. My bed belongs to my cat. Sleep has become a foreign country. I can’t speak the language. I stumble along, never quite understanding, taking wrong turns. I squint. I stagger into a bodega on Avenue B to buy a beer and the cashier demands 64,000 dong. I reach into my pocket and produce a trembling handful of pesos. And my hands, they’re not good, they’re bad, they shake. My cigarettes are sparklers. My bad hands are probably the result my nightly bouts of Homeric drinking, but who knows? A neurologist might know, but I’m too nervous to see one. What is going on?

I know what isn’t going on-- rock and roll and sex. There is, however, a fair amount of drugs: a little of this, a lot of that; a lot of this, a little of that. Contrary to popular opinion, I find that drugs don’t actually lead to sex and rock and roll, but rather to deeply private bouts of near suicidal isolation, hours spent in a worn chair wondering why you don’t have prettier hands: a pianist’s hands, a poet’s hands, a surgeon’s hands. You could marry a manicurist and still be waving around your catcher’s mitts.

But what was I saying? Oh, right, this is about my bad hands and a girl who fell in love with them.

Her name was Heather and she had no arms. Well, partial arms (a parasailing accident as a child). I met her at rehab. I didn’t go to get clean, really, I simply wanted my fidgety digits to stop shaking invisible maracas—guided meditations, acupuncture, chanting, anything. (Anything that didn’t require me getting on the wagon. I don’t like wagons, they’re rickety, and those poor horses.).

Anyway, Heather was the med nurse. Snazzy artificial limbs started slipping me Librium and we hit it off like gangbusters. In no time at all I had the hands of a statue—an ugly statue, but still.

And you probably know what happened next: after my release I casually and then vehemently relapsed into all things designed to make you feel like a king and then kill you. Heather quit her job and moved to New York to be with me, or to relapse with me. In any case, she relapsed too and it wasn’t long before we were living on the street together, begging and shooting smack. Obviously, I leant her a hand. I shot her between her toes. Things weren’t looking so good, but then her father died. That helped. Apparently her father was a wealthy Coca-Cola man who loved his daughter. Within a month we went from sleeping on piss-soaked cardboard to sleeping on piss-soaked 700 thread-count sheets at the W hotel. My hands were still stubby little monsters with vile little nails, but thanks to the heroin, pretty steady. A year later we found our way back to rehab, cleaned up, moved to Pittsburgh, and opened a coffee shop called Rehab. People seemed to like it. Then we got married and, on our wedding night, she told me I had the loveliest hands she’d ever seen, and kissed each and every one of my calm, reptilian fingers. I knew she was lying, but god how I loved her for it. And that was us, Heather and me, happily ever after, until she met and ran off with a professional bowler and part-time hand model named Marvin. That’s when I sold Rehab and moved back to New York.

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A few words on my background: after winning an MTV short story contest, I was first published as the lead story in a book called Pieces: A Collection Of New Voices (MTV/Pocket Books). I have had short stories published in Zembla: The New International Literary Magazine (#5-Rachael Weisz), out of London, and in the literary journals Opium and Fiction, the book, The Word Made Flesh: Literary Tattoos from Bookworms Worldwide (Harper Perennial). My fiction has also appeared on the literary websites and
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e.e. Cummings

Contributor: Eric Boyd

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(an excerpt from the novel Multiplex)

Augie was having an art show. Like any good painter, he whored himself out to everyone he knew, including me, to bring people for his opening. “Fredrick, after that first night,” he said, “I don’t care who comes. Anyone can come; I hope a lot of people do. As long I get enough people to buy back my rent on the gallery, I’m happy.”

The gallery, Artplace 107, was about twenty feet square, with a backroom and toilet. Augie had paid four hundred dollars to have it rented out for a month. That was the minimum he could pay, he told me.

The rent on the space was six hundred, with the gallery getting a flat fifteen percent of all of his sales. For five hundred the gallery received twenty percent until the balance was met and the regular fifteen after that. Augie paid them four hundred at thirty percent, plus the fifteen when the balance was met. Augie wasn’t much of a businessman, but he cared about his work, and that was more than I could say for myself. I had been working at the movie theater for almost a year, and I hadn’t written anything most of that time.

Artplace 107 was on Eighth Avenue, which was right by the theater. I could walk there easily, and Augie knew that, so there was no chance of me skipping his opening. He had asked me if I knew anyone to bring; I said I didn’t. The gallery had board members who would all attend the opening, as well as some local press. I didn’t see why Augie wanted me to find people at all. Why couldn’t he? I didn’t have any friends and he knew that.

“Who in the hell am I supposed to bring?” I asked on the telephone.
“How should I know? Just bring a few people.”
“Do you plan on having any cocktail weenies or spiked punch?”
“Probably not; I’ve spent enough money as it is, Fredrick.”
“Then why would I even want to go?”
“Bring a few people,” he said before hanging up.

A week before the opening, Augie hounding me more and more, I remembered Theo, whom I had gone to school with in Iowa. Theo was a nice enough guy; we never talked too much, but he always wanted an excuse to visit me. He lived in Washington DC, which wasn’t too bad of a drive to Pittsburgh. I gave him a call.
“Hey Theo, it’s Fredrick.”
“Oh heyy, what’s up? I didn’t think you would ever call me, man.”
“Well I didn’t really have any reason for you to visit. I do now, though. My buddy, he’s having an art show, and he wants people to see his work. Want to come up?”
“What kind of stuff?” he asked.
“Paintings. Abstract, more or less. He uses airplane glue and ink on canvas. It’s interesting, I guess.”
“That sounds cool. Can I bring a friend?”
“The more the merrier; I was gonna ask you to bring someone, as a matter of fact.”
“Okay, give me the info and I’ll make sure I’m not working or anything.”

I told Theo the date and time and address and where to park. He asked me where he and his friend would be staying for the night, and figuring I was able to tell him everything else so easily, I said we’d all be sleeping at the gallery. Theo was happy enough with that idea, and I just hoped Augie would be, too.

“You told him he could stay at the gallery?!” Augie shouted.
“You ask me to bring people! You beg me, and this is the thanks I get?”
“How can I let him stay there by himself?”
“He won’t be by himself; he’s bringing someone else.”
“Now it’s two people? I’m supposed to let two strangers stay at the gallery?”
“Don’t be stupid; I’ll stay with them.”
Augie paused for a moment. “I think I’d rather just have the strangers there.”
“Uh-huh. Make sure you bring cocktail weenies. See you in a few nights. I’ll wear a dickey.”

The next Friday I stood outside of the gallery, waiting for Theo. The gallery was next to the Grays Bridge, which came from downtown Pittsburgh, and I figured Theo would be coming off of that to park in front of the gallery on Eighth Avenue. Instead, he parked on Seventh Avenue, behind the gallery and under the bridge; he walked up the steps and met me at the corner of the building.
“Hey Theo, how ya been?”
“Good, man. Good.”
Theo looked well. He had shaggy hair, was on the bigger side, and kept his facial hair loose. Compared to my trimmed mustache and flipped back hair, he must have looked like a bum. That was what I counted on when I saw Elisa.

Elisa was the ‘friend’ Theo told me he was going to be bringing. He wanted to get her alone for a weekend, which was fine by me. Elisa was in porno, Theo told me, and I could see why. Her face wasn’t much, but her figure was made for it. Her tits were large and round, but firm. Her ass bumped out just enough. And since this was an art show opening, she decided to wear a tight black dress and expensive looking heels. Theo said she was in porno and that her family was rich. I was glad I wore a blazer.
“Hii,” Elisa said.
“Hello. I’m Fredrick. Theo and I went to school together.”
“He told me,” she smiled.
Immediately Theo felt uncomfortable. As soon as Elisa had walked up behind him, he seemed unnerved. He should have worn a blazer, too.
“So you’re not the artist?” she asked.
“No, ‘fraid not. He’s in there with the board members. There’s plenty of people in there, actually. Augie did well.”
“You’re not an artist at all?”
“Well everybody is in their own way!” Theo exclaimed. “You know I draw a little and…”
“Theo, please. I was talking to him,” she said, looking at me with big green eyes.
“I’m not really even sure what that means. Maybe I am? Who knows. I like movies, I work at the movie theater down there,” I pointed down and across the way, “and I write sometimes. Hell, maybe I am an artist.”
“Hey, well, yeah; let’s go look at the show,” Theo interrupted.
“Yeah, I guess so,” I said.

The paintings were okay. I didn’t really know anything about, but I liked what Augie was going for. The paintings were all ‘memories’, he said, and that was enough explanation for me. They were lumpy and drippy and splattered with ink. If they weren’t like memories, they were like life. Everyone seemed excited about the work; I was excited that there were weenies on toothpicks at the front of the gallery.

Corrine was able to make it to the opening and I miserable because of it. She looked stunning as usual, but I was tired of her. She was tall and leggy and thought she was a model, but so what? I couldn’t take living with an anorexic any longer. Elisa, who was new, was trying to talk to me all night; but I had to deal with Corrine, who was becoming desperate to have me stay with her. I had been living with her for too long, and she knew I was looking for my own apartment. It was driving her mad. I didn’t want to talk about those things, though. I just wanted to let Augie have a nice night.

It was nearly midnight when the gallery closed. Everyone seemed very happy, except Theo, who spent most of his time chasing Elisa around, bringing her drinks and snacks. Corrine tried to stay with me, but I was lucky that she had to work at the grocery store early the next morning. Augie sold three of his twelve paintings, which was enough for the gallery to recoup their two hundred on the original six. A friend of a board member gave Augie a bottle of booze; however, he didn’t drink, so the bottle was left in the backroom.

Elisa seemed to love the paintings, and even offered to buy one, but it was already sold. She pouted for a while, but Augie didn’t seem interested. Theo was clearly becoming more and more frustrated as Elisa flirted with everyone but him. If he couldn’t crack her on the car ride from DC, I thought, he never would. She may have done porn, but she wasn’t into Theo, no matter how hard he tried. Some girls are made to tease some men.

Before leaving, Augie gave me a key to the gallery and made me promise a lot of things I couldn’t remember. Theo brought sleeping bags, including one for me, and set up on the floor; he placed Elisa’s sleeping bag very close to his. She moved it. He tried laying down on his, complained that too much streetlight was in his eyes, and moved his bag closer to hers. She moved hers again. Mine was near the door to the backroom, in case I needed to use the toilet in the middle of the night.
“I’ve never been to Pittsburgh,” Elisa told me, putting on her jacket as we walked outside.
I told the both of them I was show them around the city. It was winter and Theo’s car was slow to start; it grumbled as much as he did as Elisa helped me button my blazer.
“You smart, then,” I said to her, “it’s not much to have been to.”
“Well what’s there to do around here?”
“Let’s go to Parmanni’s.”
“What’s that?” he asked.
“It’s a sandwich place; they’re all over Pittsburgh. There’s one that not really in the city, but it’s closer to here.”

Parmanni’s was famous for putting a bunch of crap on their sandwiches, none of which I ever ate. They put French fries and coleslaw on the sandwich, as well as whatever the sandwich originally was; I always ordered my sandwiches plain, and the people there didn’t like that. I only ever went to Parmanni’s when I was with other people. I couldn’t stand the place otherwise. Theo asked for a booth. We all ordered water, as it was free. For food Theo ordered a steak and cheese, all the trimmings; Elisa ordered a grilled chicken on a bun, no coleslaw; I ordered a plain pastrami on rye.

Waiting for our sandwiches, Theo and I shot pool. Elisa, pretending like she didn’t know how to play the game, screwed around on a pinball machine for a while.
“How do you play this?” she finally asked me, after a few games.
“It’s easy; I’ll show ya.” If she was going to be cliché enough to pretend she couldn’t play, I would be cliché enough to show her. Why not? Why not show a pornstar how to work a pool cue?

I put the cue in her hand and helped her line up a shot, my body behind hers. My right hand was on top of hers as she held the cue, and with my left I pushed her head down toward the table to eye up the balls.

Our food came. Theo went to our booth in disgust. Elisa and I stayed at the pool table.

Elisa bent down and got back up, and then again. She bent up and down several times, looked over her shoulder at me.
“Do I hit it hard?” she asked.
“It depends. All you have open is the two-ball in the side pocket, but that’s if you bank the shot.”
“What do you mean?”
“It’s a trick shot, sort of. I’d hit it hard on a trick shot, yeah. Let ‘er rip.”
Elisa shot, banked the two-ball, and just missed the side pocket.
“Well, ya can’t get ‘em all,” I said.
“I got enough.”
She looked down, smiled, and walked away. What did that mean? I looked down and my cock was pressing halfway down my pants.

After we finished our food, Theo said he was too tired to do anything else, so we went back to the gallery. He asked Elisa if she wanted to listen to any music and she said no. He insisted, playing a mixtape he had made of her favorite songs. She didn’t seem impressed. I sat quietly in the backseat of the car.

When we got back to the gallery, Theo tried to set up his sleeping bag next to Elisa’s one more time. She moved hers, and every time he moved his closer to hers, she moved hers closer to mine. After a while Theo gave up.
“Is everyone ready to lay?” Elisa asked.
“You’re sick, you know that?” Theo said, almost laughing in spite of himself. “I have to use the bathroom.”

As soon as Theo went into the backroom, Elisa jumped on top of me, shoving her tongue down my throat. I wasn’t that shocked, but could I do this to Corrine? That fragile thing, I thought. She and her family had taken me in, given me a room, fed me. Elisa’s arms, wrapped around my neck, holding herself up, pressed her tits together. Could I really do this to Corrine? That fragile thing…

My cock began to get hard again.

That bitch Corrine tricked me, I thought. She forced me to stay with her and her crazy family. She took a vibrator into my room, embarrassed me. She said I chewed too loud and that was why she didn’t eat. She cut me with a goddamn butcher knife over a Snickers bar.

Still holding Elisa up, I put a hand under her dress, fingering her, feeling her moan as her tongue slipped in and out of my mouth. Her eyes rolled back. The whole bit. Pornstars get paid to fake it, but I had no money and she was still convincing.

The toilet flushed. Elisa got off of me before Theo came back out from the restroom. I wiped my fingers on Elisa’s dress.
“What are you two up to?”
“What do you mean?” I asked sharply, sweating a little.
“I don’t know.. You’re just standing there.”
Elisa walked over to her backpack and bent down to pick it up. Theo forgot what he was saying while looking at her tits.
“We were just standing her, waiting for you. What else are we doing tonight?”
“I, um… I’m not sure. We already went out and everything. What else can we do around here, Fredrick?”
“Augie said we could have that bottle of jagermiester. He hates the stuff.”
“I’ve never had it,” Theo said, “doesn’t it have blood in it?”
“Probably, but what doesn’t?” I laughed.

I drank until standing became difficult, which wasn’t much. Elisa was good for most of the bottle, and Theo finished the rest. Of the three of us Theo was the worst off. He started getting touchy with Elisa, which I didn’t like because she clearly wasn’t interested. I distracted him by talking about the old days in Iowa.
“Do you remember that café?”
“Yeah, yeah!” he shouted happily, “the Café Paradise! You went there all the time.”
“Well the people I hung around did. It was always me, Hanna, JoBeth, Brian, and sometimes Pat, though he was usually drunk in his dorm room.”
“I always liked Hanna,” Theo burped.
“I liked JoBeth, that was usually why I went to the café.”
“Ehh, her laugh was so loud, and she looked kinda big, too big for me. I mean, she wasn’t fat, just big.”
“Classical, I’d say. She was a big old farmer’s daughter, but she sung jazz. Com’on, how can’t you like that?”
“Yeah,” Theo nodded, “I guess. I guess so. I guess.” He began moving his head back and forth. A comfortable buzz; he was ready to pass out. “You… Went?”
“Went where?”
“Straaawberry Fields? You --hiccup-- Remember?”
“Yeah I went there sometimes, that big field…” I turned to Elisa, who was sitting with us, silent. “At the school in Iowa, they had a big field where strawberries grew, so, y’know, of course all of the college kids go there and have drum circles, the whole bit.”
“That sounds fun.”
“I can think of more fun things.” I said.
“Me too.” she smiled.
“LIKE WHAT? Let’s go sled riding!” Theo yelled.
“We don’t have any sleds.”
“We’ll go down a hill on a paiiiinnting.”
“No, we won’t.” I said sternly.
Theo hiccupped. “Strawberrrrrryyyyyy Fieeeellllds.”
“Yeah, right. I went there when they had the big fire, everyone was there. JoBeth was singing Betty Boop songs and they all had me play harmonica. At the end of the night they tried to get me to walk through the fire, but I wouldn’t do it. They’re crazy out there, I think. I should have went back.”
Elisa reached into her backpack and pulled out some paper, a stamped envelope, and started writing a letter.
“I should have just went back.” I said again.
“What’s this town called?” Elisa asked.
“Homestead,” I said, “Why? Who’s the letter for?”
“My parents. They like getting stuff like this.”
“Richh bastards!” Theo shouted.
“Oh shut up.”
“I liiked the fieeeellllds.” Theo said to me.
“I did too.” I said, patting Theo on the shoulder before he turned around, falling asleep. I got into my sleeping bag and began to close my eyes. Elisa finished her letter, put it in the envelope, and turned the envelope down on the floor. “Look at this,” She said to me as I tried to keep my eyes open.

She held a long piece of dark red wax over the flap of the envelope and flicked a lighter under it. The wax melted and dripped onto the envelope until there was a little puddle over the flap. Elisa took a small brass stamp with a wooden handle out of her backpack and pressed it down on the wax; it made a crest with her family’s last name and a picture of some kind of exotic animal against the wax. It was a bird or a lion or a something. Elisa held the letter up, showing me the crest, and winked.

Of all the things that girl could show me before I went to sleep, I didn’t think that was one of them.

I was dreaming about Elisa sucking on my—
I opened my eyes. The lights were out. It was very dark. Elisa was out of her sleeping bag, waving for me from the backroom. “Psssssst!” She pulled at her pajamas, lowering them slightly. She wasn’t wearing panties.

Theo was out cold. I slowly unzipped my sleeping bag, stood, and started toward the backroom, hitting my toe against the doorframe.

Elisa, standing in the doorway, put her hand over my mouth to quiet me. I turned around and looked at Theo. He didn’t move. Elisa tugged at my shirt; I went into the backroom and closed the door behind me.
“Is he asleep?” She asked.
“Yeah. He’s done for the night.”
“That‘s good,” she said.
“Are you cold?”
“Are you?”
“A little,” I said.
“Me too.”
I looked down at her shirt; she had to have been cold, I hadn’t even started yet.
“It’s funny that you have to take off your clothes to stay warm,” she cooed, laying it on too thick, I thought.
“A lot of things are funny anymore.”
“What was your girlfriend’s name?”
“Corrine. I told her you thought she was pretty.”
“Did you really?”
“Yeah. Sometimes she digs that sort of thing. She says ambiguity is sexy, whatever the hell that means.”
“She likes girls?”
“She’s pretended to, or maybe she really does. Who knows.”
“Should we call her?” Elisa asked, grinning.
“Probably not.”
“She was sexy, I liked her shoes. When I first saw her, saw those shoes, I wanted to hook up with her, have her put one of those heels in my ass.”

I probably should have been taken aback by Elisa— some rich bitch, a trust fund girl into porno— but I wasn‘t. I would have been more surprised if she hadn’t been that way; trust fund kids are always insane.
“You never told me your porn name. Is that the kind of stuff you shoot? Heels and such?”
“What’s the name?”
“I’m not telling you that. You know my real name, I couldn’t take the chance.”
“Right. Theo said your family has a little money, and that crest is pretty damn regal.”
“We have a bit of money, enough that I wouldn‘t want to tell anyone my stage name.” she said. “But I’ll tell you that it’s based on E.E. Cummings. That’s all I’ll say.”
“I’ll have to look for it. I‘m sure it‘s out on the computers, somewhere.”
“Probably. Have fun looking.” She began kissing my neck. I rubbed my cock from outside of my pants, eventually grabbing her hand to let her take over.
“Oh!” she smiled.
I smiled back and began to unbutton my shirt.
“Do you like Augie’s work?” She asked.
“It’s okay. It’s different, and that’s probably enough.”
Elisa nodded in agreement, unzipping my pants, getting on her knees, kissing a little. She looked up at me. “Do you like art?”
“I don’t know what it is.” I said.
Elisa stood up, took her pajamas off, turned around and bent over the table that had some of Augie’s old work on it. She stayed bent, looking back at me, swaying her ass from side to side.
“Well how about you fuck me on top of this art?”

We started at two in the morning and finished just before the sun came up. It was hard competing with the cold. I spent as much time trying not to freeze my cock off as I did anything else. Every time she would kiss something, it would sting, stiffening with cold. After we were finally done, Elisa went into the bathroom to wash everything off. I went back to sleep. The next morning Theo seemed strange, but never said anything. I was thankful for that.

When they left the next day, Elisa told she would write. I told her not to bother, that my mailman always tried opening my letters, and the wax crest would be too enticing for him. She laughed at that; I was only half-kidding. Theo seemed contented to his failures with Elisa, and told me privately that he was going to win her over on the drive back home. I told him not to try so hard, that his best bet was to buy a painting and put it in the backseat. He didn’t understand.
Then they left.

“What did you guys do over the weekend?” Augie asked me.
“Eh, this and that.”
“Anything exciting?”
“I learned to appreciate art.”

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Eric Boyd was born on October 16th, at 3:33AM, 1988 in North Carolina. He briefly studied at the Maharishi University of Management in Fairfield, Iowa. Boyd's work has been featured in several journals, including Linguistic Erosion, Smashed Cat Magazine, and the Fourth River. Eric currently lives in Homestead, Pennsylvania. His cat's name is Oscar.
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The Best Sex Is Poetry

Contributor: J. Holgar

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Cunt. That's what he calls her, snarls it as he throws her to the rug. The way she likes it, the way she needs it. Need runs down her thighs in sugary slicks. Skin rises red as he beats her. The way she likes it, the way she needs it. Need comes echoed in the subtle tones of her desperate moan. He is hard. She knows he is hard, but as she reaches, arches, he pulls away, rises more skin red and ready. Arching, she feels his heat, the heat of his need, reaches, arches, reaches, arches. Hands twist into the rug, and then she has him. She has him. Every inch of him. Every inch of his hard, hot cock. He is the fire, she is the fuel. She takes him, rises, screams, rides, rides, and as he stiffens she rolls over him, tightens in the way he likes it, the way he needs it. hands twist into skin, and then he has her. Every inch of her. Every inch of her wet, desperate to swallow as he explodes within her.

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J. Holgar thinks that the best sex is poetry.
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Love in the Wings

Contributor: Donna M.

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Joleen turned slowly in front of a full body mirror mounted at the end of a short hall in the garden apartment she shared with Galen. She gently straightened the dark fabric of a "Wings" uniform that had been specifically tailored to fit her slim figure and nodded in silent approval. It had been a gift from her close friend Karyn to celebrate her nineteenth birthday and it was, as Karyn had claimed in the accompanying card, “A way to make Jo feel like part of the gang!”
“I like it.” Joleen commented, turning slightly to the left, her dark eyes moving across the reflection as they followed a gentle curve in the fabric that modestly complimented her form.
“It looks good on you.” Galen acknowledged as he rested lightly against a nearby wall with his arms crossed.
She took a deep breath and her eyes drifted, meeting Galen’s in the mirror.
“Maybe I should become a member of The 'Wings.'” She mused, then turned slowly, stretching her arms out to either side as she faced Galen.
“Wouldn’t that be funny?” She asked, grinning playfully. “A sorceress! In the 'Wings!'”
“Yeah,” He shrugged. It was not the first time she had suggested it and he dismissed it just as easily as he had in the past.
Joleen studied Galen for a moment before she turned back to the mirror and sighed.
“You are the General’s personal advisor now, Galen.” She prompted, slowly running her hands through her soft, midnight hair, the light catching faded strands of red and gold. “Make me an honorary member or something.”
Galen pushed away from the wall and turned to face her fully, his eyes drifting slowly across her back.
“Joleen,” he began, his eyes fixing again on the blue-carpeted floor of their mutual apartment. “Why would you even want to join the 'Wings?'”
Her eyes stayed fixed on the mirror as she carefully adjusted the collar of her uniform.
“I don’t know.” She allowed her arms to drift slowly to her sides. “You’re with the 'Wings,' Galen.”
She turned to face him again, their eyes meeting as she added: “And I like the uniform.”
Galen sighed. “There’s more to being a member of the 'Wings' than just the uniform or who you know, Joleen.” He looked away slowly. “To be a Wing is to be a soldier of the highest order; we fight and, if need be, we give our lives for the greater good.”
She watched him silently as he continued.
“If anything were to happen to you . . . ” He looked up, his eyes taking on a worried cast. “I- I-“
Concern flashed momentarily across her face, replaced almost immediately by a reassuring smile.
“It’s all right Galen,” she began, “Nothing is going to happen to me.”
He opened his mouth to protest, but Joleen turned away, quickly finishing by announcing: “After all, I think I’ve proved my worth the last time the 'Wings' went out to defend that little fishing village... Stuttgart?”
His mouth closed slowly, and sighing, he nodded.
“True.” He crossed the room to where she stood. “We couldn’t have done it without you.”
Joleen tried to suppress a wide grin as she stared at her own reflection in the mirror.
“So,” she prompted, stretching the word out as she turned to face him again. “Will you talk to Williams about letting me into the 'Wings?'”
“I don’t-”
“Galen!” She protested, cutting him off angrily, though her smile immediately returned. “Please?”
He sighed. She really did look awesome in the 'Wings’ uniform; the cut accented the curves of her breasts perfectly and . . . He quickly shook his head, trying to clear his thoughts.
“It would mean an awful lot to me.” She added, a playful grin flashing across her face as she stared up at him with her soft, dark eyes.
He caught her smile and returned it. “How much?”
She gave him a sultry look, then opened her mouth to make a witty remark, only to be silenced by a hard, sudden kiss.
She wasted no time. This was certainly not the first time she had thrust her hand down the pants of Galen’s 'Wings' uniform in the middle of an argument and wrapped her hand around his big rod. He hardened a little at her touch and wrapped his arms around her waist, kissing harder, kissing so hard he pushed her head back as she pressed in against him and gently rubbed his swelling shaft.
After a moment, he pulled back a little, his eyes meeting hers. He watched her as she slowly opened her eyes and smiled, gently running her tongue along her lips.
They both looked down, then locked eyes again.
“Can I–”She began, but Galen cut her off before she could finish the question. “Do you have to ask?”
Her grin widened slightly and she dropped to her knees, pulling her hand out of his pants just long enough to unbutton them.
Galen’s shaft popped out like a spring, still not totally erect, but hard nonetheless. It was perfect, the shape, the length, the girth, it made her wet just looking at it . . .
Before she could react, it was in her mouth. Galen had jumped the gun, but that was one of the things she loved about him. He could be so passionate at times, and his cock didn’t taste half-bad either.
She started gently at first, teasing the underside of his rod while it throbbed in her mouth. His fingers wove themselves into her hair and he pushed himself further, the head of his shaft swelling as it touched the back of her throat. He started moving faster; his erection slid quickly between her crimson lips, in and out of her mouth, its hard length glistening with wetness. Her cheeks flushed and she stroked the soft, curly hairs of his leg as he pushed deeper, leaning back and threading his fingers further into her hair with a murmured “Oh yes.” She wanted to please him, wanted to let him thrust his manhood into her mouth until he filled it with his seed, wanted him to have everything she could offer him, but there was something she was sure he had forgotten; something she wanted too.
Gently, oh so gently, she ran her hands along his legs, creeping back to his rod and caressing everything in between until she had one hand wrapped around his erection. It took only a moment, but she steadily slowed his pace, then let his manhood slip out from between her lips as she met his eyes again, gently pumping him with one delicate hand.
“Aren’t you forgetting something?” She asked, then smiled and giggled before gently teasing his swollen tip with a quick lick. He shivered with pleasure and gently relaxed his grip on her scalp, caressing her long strands of dark hair instead. He loved her hair, every last curve of it, down to the smallest details. He thought for a moment, about her hair and about what he could have forgotten, gently running a finger along one of the thin streaks that shot through it, then startled suddenly.
“The meeting!” Joleen’s smile vanished and her hand slowed as he grinned sheepishly back at her. “I almost forgot.” His manhood slipped out of her grasp as he backed up and grabbed the waist of his pants. “Thanks baby. I almost forgot! God, you’re invaluable.”
“Thanks,” she muttered, then watched as his pants slipped back up his legs. Determined not to let him get away so easily, she stood and gently brought the rising fabric to a stop just before it had sheathed his already sagging rod.
“Galen,” she began as he stood, watching her with a look that drifted somewhere between confusion and innocence. “That’s not what I meant.”
His eyes followed her fingers as they danced along his shaft. She pressed against him, and felt the throbbing in his manhood again. Their eyes met, and she gave him the lustiest look she could manage, a look that made it clear exactly what she wanted.
“I’m sure Williams can handle himself.” She whispered, then giggled, “I on the other hand . . .” She gently slipped her free hand past her clothing and into her panties, gently rubbing her clit as she leaned forward and moaned softly in his ear.
That was all that it took.
Galen’s pants hit the floor and his hands darted to the coat of her uniform. He worked steadily upwards, undoing the buttons as quickly as possible before pulling her coat open with a grin. His eyes settled on her black shift as she shrugged the coat off and let it fall to the ground. His hands groped at her sides, gently moving upwards as he cupped the delicate curve of her soft, amazing breasts and caressed them through the soft fabric of her shift. She gave another quiet moan and pressed back against his chest, delicately nibbling his ear before whispering “Fuck me, Galen.” His erection swelled and pressed hard against her thigh as she finished “I want you to fuck me.”
It was more than half a dozen paces to the bed, but she was pressed into the sheets almost as soon as she finished that last sultry whisper. Galen was on top of her now, working her shift free as his throbbing manhood pressed against her, separated from her clit by only a thin wall of fabric. She let out a soft moan to spur him on, then shifted under his weight as he pressed himself harder against her. The need to have his rod inside of her was almost unbearable as she struggled to unbutton his uniform coat.
Joleen’s breasts jiggled like soft, pale velvet as he pulled off her top and tossed it across the room. They swelled as Galen leaned into them, kissing both dark, erect nipples before sharing another deep kiss with her. She could feel his erection thrusting, seeking, and rubbing against her vagina. She ached to feel his manhood inside of her. She needed it, she wanted it, and the lips between her thighs parted a little with every thrust he made, allowing the fabric to slip just a little ways in, just enough to pick up a hint of moisture that only spurred him on more.
As he pulled back a little she quickly yanked the last of his buttons free and helped him out of his shirt. His pace had slowed again, but she arched her back to keep his rod pressed hard against her.
Joleen smiled lustfully as he ran his hands up her thighs, peeled back her skirt and lifted her legs, pulling it off while still keeping his hard manhood near her moist, expectant lips and anxious clit. Her heart pounded as his hands wrapped around the waistband of her panties, gently pulling until her hands guided him, helping him yank it off in short order. Her pulse quickened and pounded in her ears as he slipped between her thighs and stopped, his erection a fraction of an inch away from her wet lips. She tried to urge him forward, pushing her hips toward his hard rod, reaching for it, but he held himself at bay, then leaned down and licked her left breast, running his tongue over her nipple before doing the same to the other. She moaned again and pressed her chest into his face, her soft breasts rubbing against his cheeks.
“Fuck me,” She begged, her rose-flushed cheeks accenting her needy expression.
He teased her clit with the tip of his rod and pulled back when she pushed toward him. “Do you still want to be a member of the 'Wings?'”
Her glare was plain, even in the heat of sex she managed to shoot him a dark look that was softened by the color in her cheeks and her disheveled dark hair splayed out against the white sheets. One of her hands slipped between her legs and rubbed her expectant lips. “Can’t we talk about this later?” She begged, then arched her back beneath him, gently latching onto his back with her free hand. “Please.”
Galen teased her again, pulling back as she reached for his rod. He was determined to win this argument. “Do you still want to be a member of the 'Wings?'”
“Yes,” She managed, then quivered as he pulled away. “Galen!”
He pushed back onto his knees and watched her.
“Promise me you won’t try to join the 'Wings.'” He ran a hand up her thigh and gently tickled her lips. She grabbed his hand and forced his fingers into her with a groan of pleasure.
A wry smile moved to cover half of his face as Joleen worked his fingers in and out of her vagina and moaned softly, closing her eyes and squeezing a nipple with her other hand.
He loved how resourceful and headstrong she could be. He couldn’t help but indulge her.
Moving in on her, he gently spread her thighs and slid his tongue over her clit. It surprised her, but she grinned widely and watched as he buried his face into her lips, thrusting his tongue inside her and tickling her clit. She collapsed back onto the sheets and moaned loudly as Galen stimulated every part of her, kissing, licking, rubbing and nibbling every sensitive spot he could find. She had to fight the urge to scream in pleasure, her legs clamping down on his head and her fingers threading through his rich, wavy hair; God he knew how to work his tongue. Her breathing quickened as the first orgasm rocked her, leaving her sprawling in the sheets with gasps and moans of joy interspersed with quiet giggling. He slowed his pace to a steady crawl and teased her clit less as she watched him, one hand cupped over her breast.
“Okay,” She gasped, trying to catch her breath and maintain the lusty smile on her face. Galen pulled his fingers from her wet lips and licked some of the moisture off of them as she continued. “I promise.” She shifted on the sheets, lining up and spreading her thighs to receive Galen’s manhood. “Now please fuck me.”
The wry, half-smile returned to his lips and he nodded, immediately closing the distance between them. “I thought you’d never ask.”
He gently teased her clit with the tip of his rod again and Joleen arched an eyebrow, then responded. “Stop dicking aroun–” before she could finish, his rod slipped past her labia, forcing a sudden gasp out of her. He immediately picked up speed, thrusting the hard, throbbing length of his shaft as deep as he could, Joleen taking every inch of it with loud, gasping moans.
“Yes!” She shouted, “give it to me!” He pressed hard into her and she gripped his back with white knuckles as he rammed his shaft between her soft, moist lips over and over again. Another orgasm rocked her, followed closely by a third and a fourth; with each one she rose with him, keeping his erection firmly between her lips even when it felt like the pleasure was going to wash her away. She moaned and gasped and huffed, riding out each and every orgasm until Galen leaned down to whisper in her ear. “I’m– I’m gonna cum.”
She didn’t want it to end. She wanted every moment of awesome sex to last forever, to stretch into eternity and, as Galen shivered and quaked, groaning in the throes of ecstacy, she latched onto him, determined to hold onto whatever pleasure was left.
He fought it at first, but it was a weak fight, and he exploded inside of her with a shuddering moan which she echoed, squeezing harder as his rod pushed as far into her as was possible.
He shuddered again, then collapsed onto her, panting with his face pressed against the side of her cheek. She gently ran a hand through his sweat-soaked hair and smiled, her breathing calming while he still gasped for breath.
“You,” he managed after a while, “are still amazing.”
She smiled and giggled quietly, stroking his hair as she responded “I know.”
It took a moment, but he was soon giggling too. They stayed there like that for a long while, both sweat-soaked and giggling, smiling and staring with love in their eyes. Galen’s manhood still rested inside of her and every time he shifted she followed him, keeping them connected. It was a perfect moment, one she wanted to last forever. Whenever she thought of Galen, of how much she loved him, she wanted to remember this moment. This moment in which they were joined, one person forged from love, the heat of youthful passion, and a lot of incredible sex.

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I write fan fiction for fun sometimes.
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Diary of a Bad Girl

Contributor: Amanda Firefox

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What can I say? I was 19, he was 22, blond hair, eyes the color of country denim. Gorgeous.

Running around the beach with no shirt all day, I could tell he wasn’t a six-pack kind of guy, but he was damn close. Several times I watched him massage knots of sunscreen into the curves of his tanned biceps, down the hard lengths of his arms and into the toned musculature of his swimmer’s legs, imagining myself there beside him, lathering him in creamy lotion, feeling those muscles harden and flex under my thumbs, the eager, caressing fingers of my hands.

I spent almost three days watching him from the window of the timeshare bungalow a friend of mine had suggested I stay at when my first vacation from work came around. I spent a week there, afraid to really touch anything, staying in a lot and mostly watching the beach, watching him, justifying my reluctance to actually go out and talk to him by waffling between a stack of paperwork I’d been stupid enough to bring with me and a notepad full of scribblings I still haven’t turned into the trashy, bedside romance I believed I was writing at the time. Work was work, and I got tired of it pretty quickly, but the lines of the romance novel that flowed from my fingers to the page opened something in me, awoke urges, left a void somewhere deep within me that pulsed with need and begged to be filled. I remember rubbing my thighs together over and over again as I added to my notes, as I penned new lines and used ink to give life to situations which pulled at my heart strings as I wrote them. Time and time again, I felt my mind wandering back to him, to that handsome guy I’d watched every morning, glanced up to watch whenever my pen hesitated on the page, and even as I chastised myself for fantasizing, for putting words to those fantasies, to thoughts of what it would be like to have those bronzed arms around me, to feel his hot breath on my face, the caress of those big, sexy hands, I couldn’t help writing him into my story. Suddenly it was me who was involved in the passionate romance– the endless vistas of the ranch I’d originally envisioned for my story became the endless distances of the sea, and the hunk whose eyes I stared deeply into as his body moved against mine was that bronzed and blond man of the waves who left footprints as deeply in the sand as he left them on me, on some part of me that left me begging for more, wanting, needing.

I would smile as my pen etched those fantasies, as he took me in fields of prose and poetry again and again, now in an endless sea of wildflowers, now in the sand, the dawn breaking red at the distant line where purple waves met a lightening sky. On the page, I saw our lips touch, part on passionate words, caress skin that shivered and thrilled with feelings of love and pleasure as they sunk wet and heavy into the skin, washed cool light and sunset darkness into our tensing muscles. I felt my own lips parting as I wrote, and as I looked up, eyes unconsciously lifting from the page, I would see him, his own muscles surging as he ran. For almost three days, I wrote, and it was at the end of that third day, as the sun dropped lower and lower into the darkening sky that my pen slipped from my hand and went clattering to the floor, rolling across boards and disappearing into the darkness gathering between the far end of the table and the wall. All at once, I realized how little time I had left, saw the steady dwindling of my week into days, the inevitable shift of day into night that signaled the inevitable descent from the halfway point of my stay, and I froze. Three days, and now only a handful of minutes before the sun would touch the sky and the man on the beach would pack up the red case he carried with him and leave, maybe forever, or maybe just until tomorrow. Suddenly resolved, I licked my lips, tore open my suitcase, threw on the sexy top and bottom I’d been saving for tanning on the beach, and rushed out the door, leaving everything in a state of half open, half finished scatter.

I felt the cold wind tingling across my bare arms as I ran down the sandy dunes toward the whiter playa where the beach met the water and instinctively hugged myself. I saw him stop to stand half a dozen paces from the water, watched as he stuffed a few loose things into that same red case and stood again, staring out into the sea, watching the sun as completely as I was watching him, stumbling through the sand, trying to look graceful, trying not to shiver too much or break out into a full on run. As I got closer, my heart fluttered, leapt in my chest like a frightened bird. God, he was gorgeous. I swallowed as my feet hit the damp, smooth sand, fought against the racing tide of words fighting in my mind, desperate to find my lips, words like Hi, my name is Amanda, I... or Wow, do you work out a lot? Somewhere, somehow, something came together, but it didn’t last. The instant he turned, the instant his eyes met mine, whatever I had decided to say took flight and left my mind a barren plain. The only word that came, the only one that remained, was a simple “Hey.”

“Hey.” Came the response, and then a smile, the corner of a grin that made my eyes lose focus for an instant, so sexy, the embodiment of desire.“You’re the girl from the window, aren’t you?” He gestured, and as I glanced dumbly back in the direction of the timeshare bungalow, I colored immediately. He knew, he’d seen me, and I was too embarrassed to do anything more than nod and smile sheepishly back in response. All at once, he reached out, touched my cheek, grinned wide enough to show his perfect teeth, and even as I almost pulled away, I felt my legs quiver, knees fighting to give way at any moment. His touch was warm, smooth, and in the moment, I lost myself in the sensation, leaned into it and savored the gentle caress with half-lidded eyes. In that moment, it was abundantly clear what we both wanted, what we both needed.

“Want to have a drink?” He asked, and I couldn’t stop myself from nodding, from saying: “There’s a bottle of Kahlua back at my place.” and coloring again instantly as I said it. I remember the way he grinned in that moment, and it’s a grin I haven’t forgotten even to this day, may never forget until I’m old and grey, if I manage to slow down enough to live that long.

We got about as far as pouring the drinks before the kissing started. Somewhere in the midst of the laughing and playful touching, I caught his name, something simple I can’t seem to remember anymore, something like John or Jack that you hear a lot in bars or moan into someone’s ear when you’re wild and young, but by the time the kissing got deeper, the movements more driven and serious, it didn’t matter. Nothing mattered but the touch, the need, the way his breath caught in my throat and his skin pulsed against mine. Even today, I wonder at the suddenness of it, the need that came alive within both of us, refused to be restrained or denied. Thank god for the Mirena coil.

Neither of us slept that night. At some point in the morning, I remember kissing him and stumbling out of bed, making my way to the coffee machine and putting a pot on before settling down to pen a few spent lines near what I decided would be the end of my book, if it ever came together. They were happy lines, satisfied lines, and as I set the pen down again to let the last two days of my stay race by, I left the pad, the pen and the stack of papers where they sat, undisturbed except for the one or two times when our passions carried us into the kitchen, to the table, the counter, the throw rug on the hardwood floor. Even now, when my mind wanders back to those days, to that week on the beach, I can see the planes of his handsome face, his wild haystraw hair, eyes like country denim. I can feel his touch, his breath, and I quiver at the way he looked at me in those moments when we lost ourselves in one another and left for some other realm, shivering as one body, one soul. For two days, I lived within bliss, and even though I never saw him again, never knew much more about him than bits and pieces I’ve since almost totally forgotten, the memories we made together in those two days have stuck with me ever since, have stayed as vivid as any dream a woman could wish to come to her in the warm red light of a sunset on the beach. 

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Amanda Firefox is a fiery little brunette who spends as much time at the beach as she can manage. She doesn't write much, but when she writes, it's almost always about her favorite subject: boys.
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