30 Some Odd Years Of Fucking Up

Contributor: Jay Levon

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who did this to me, who made me
this way, i didn't start the fire but
i let the motherfucker burn, now
that i'm nearing ashes, it's time to
dance in the rain, and listen to the
sizzle as god's tears (or angel's piss)
extinguish the tiny flames that have
licked at my soul since birth.

i've drank the devils semen for long
enough, i'm tired of being hell's own
whore, a supernatural cocksucker,
time to put on my sunday best, wear
the white hat for awhile, drink the
kool-aid of the shiny happy people,
after 30 some odd years of fucking
up, it's time for a new approach.

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Jay was born in the Ozark Mountains to a family of dirt farmers, musicians, preachers, and other such miscreants. He now lives in Mountain Home, Arkansas with a latex she-bot named Lola, and the occasional dead hooker.
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