Contributor: Kymera Dix
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I’m eating, again.
I’m always eating.
It hurts not to.
Not like the hurt when I hit my baby toe, or somethin.
Oh, I admit that that =really= hurts...a lot.
This is more like a bad tooth ache or strep throat.
All over.
It don’t gradually go away on its own.
It stays and stays and keeps getting worser and worser.
Until I gotta take =sometin= to ease da hurtin.
My sumtin is food.
Soze I eat an eat an eat.
Stopped by da Chineze place onna way home tday.
Gotta shrimp eggroll.
Came home, picked out all doze teeny, tiny shrim.
Watched dey lil naked krussashun korpses swirl way into toilet blivian.
Awmoze fell comin owta da batroom.
geddin seepy nah
all dem pills
bedda take some mo
justa be sho
chasem wi beah
awmoz geddin too seepy t eat
dasa laff
bess eda ro nah
gutza churnin awweady
shrim jooz
gon lay don nah
faysh don
shud puke inna cupla owaz
b seep
wone no
schtopt nshuwanz las wee
justa b sho
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I’m eating, again.
I’m always eating.
It hurts not to.
Not like the hurt when I hit my baby toe, or somethin.
Oh, I admit that that =really= hurts...a lot.
This is more like a bad tooth ache or strep throat.
All over.
It don’t gradually go away on its own.
It stays and stays and keeps getting worser and worser.
Until I gotta take =sometin= to ease da hurtin.
My sumtin is food.
Soze I eat an eat an eat.
Stopped by da Chineze place onna way home tday.
Gotta shrimp eggroll.
Came home, picked out all doze teeny, tiny shrim.
Watched dey lil naked krussashun korpses swirl way into toilet blivian.
Awmoze fell comin owta da batroom.
geddin seepy nah
all dem pills
bedda take some mo
justa be sho
chasem wi beah
awmoz geddin too seepy t eat
dasa laff
bess eda ro nah
gutza churnin awweady
shrim jooz
gon lay don nah
faysh don
shud puke inna cupla owaz
b seep
wone no
schtopt nshuwanz las wee
justa b sho
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Kymera Dix