Contributor: The Anonymous College Guy

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Over there I see an angry fat man
The world hates you fat man
But that doesn't mean you should hate it back
I don't feel sympathy for you

Who I do feel for is that girl with him
That perfectly disgusting girl
The world hates you too
And no one will ever love you

She burrows through his rolls
Trying to find something
She does, and tries to suck the love from it
That love she has been denied her whole life
Instead, she gets a mouth full of semen and a "Damn,
You're good at blow jobs."

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The Withdrawal Method

Contributor: Sam Gem

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I made love to a woman who I thought beautiful even if she didn't. After two teasy months, because I move slow and am cursed as a sensitive man, we started having sex that wasn't just sex even though she tried to keep it that way, the best sex we ever had and gave, and I went down on her and worked my jaw like a Chinese curler practicing for the Olympics until it felt like it wasn't there and gave her her first orgasm, which was quite an accomplishment, because it took two weeks of attentive sex every night after we had been flirting for a whole summer just to get her to be that comfortable with me. What I didn't know then was that this girl fucked a lot of men and had left a litter of broken hearts behind her and had separated sex and love with a butchers efficiency, and I was a fool because I fell in love with this woman and took the time to try to please her and make her happy instead of just fucking her. And even after I knew this I still tried to save her with love which was the worst thing I could've done because her perception of love was warped. The sex was so natural and organic and raw that wearing a condom was like trying to fuck around a hot air balloon and I convinced her to fuck without it, because I was a man who could control himself, even when every neuron in a man's cerebellum is firing THRUST! at the moment of orgasm, I told her I could pull out and she trusted me and I did. And she even said she loved me after I said it on one of those candle-lit lusty nights and I thought it was real because she could hardly get it out of her mouth and when she finally did after trying a few times it was a garbled mess. After this she started to ignore me and I know now she was fighting like a cornered animal and running like I was trying to chain and cage her because that's what intimacy felt like to her. Finally she hated me fiercely because there was love, it wasn't just sex and it was so obvious and so dangerous, and she became even more promiscuous just to get me out of her mind and forget that she had come so close to potentially being hurt. And two months later this woman was pregnant by another man because she trusted him to do the same thing, to pull out, like our sex wasn't special, like I wasn't special, and I didn't leave my bed for 12 days.

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Sam Gem resides in upstate New York. He writes flash fiction, short stories, and maybe a novel someday. He has a degree in Psychology, procured mostly to try and figure out what the hell happened to him.
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A Misunderstanding

Contributor: Antoine Bargel

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“I like my character,” said the blind man to a can of beans, “after seventy-two years I still don’t own a pair of pants.”
“I’m over here,” I said with just a bit of scorn in my tone. I wasn’t going to take any of the usual bullshit. That old refrain about being a free spirit, when one owes to society more than their miserable existence is ever capable of producing, brings a taste of ashes to my mouth.
“Why don’t you save us the trouble and take your own life? I have needles or pills, as you’d prefer, in my briefcase.”
The blind man still hadn’t measured the severity of his situation. Rather than heed the absolute intent of my speech, he elected to attempt a comical exit:
“Robert, don’t speak like this to your old man. You know it makes me feel queasy. Make me a banana milkshake.”
Such ridiculous tricks are often attempted by human beings who understand that they are about to die. They try to personalize the situation, however they can, hoping to draw humanity from the unknown depths of their killer-en-devenir’s soul. I am no more human than if I were made of steel and electronic components, but I am entirely cellular, organic even. My genes have been free-range farmed, not floated in the infectious beansacks of this banana lover.
“YOU KNOW WHERE YOU CAN STICK YOUR FUCKING BANANAS!”, yelled I to reorient the situation.
“I’m going to kill you if you don’t do it yourself”, I added in a raspy voice.
“Come on, Bobby, you know I’m going to die soon. Can’t you wait just a bit longer? Do you really have to marry this girl now?”
Of course. The whining stage. I hate to admit it but almost all of them go through it. I wish there were something I could do to improve this part of my job, which I find a bit unpleasant. There is really only one way to move on to the next phase, so I stick my fingers in his eye sockets and pull his head back.
“In the name of God, Robert, behave yourself!”
He still sounds like he thinks he’s my fucking father, so I slip my elbow under his head and snap his neck.

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Antoine Bargel's fiction has been described as "bizarre and grotesque", "outrageously naive", and "downright obscene" by the critics that he makes up in his mind.
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The Red Velvet Cupcake

Contributor: Jeff Harrison

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I got a red velvet cupcake the other day. I passed a bakery on my way to my girlfriend’s house and saw that they had them; my favorite. I opened the door to the bakery and was hit with an odd aroma of manure and WD-40. “I’d like a red velvet cupcake please,” I said to the proprietor, who was naked except for his apron.

“We only have one left,” he said, putting it in a bag for me. “How much?” “It’s on the house.” As I walked to my girlfriend’s, I heard a sound coming from the bag. Opening it, I saw that the cupcake was talking. “If you think you’re going to eat me you’ve got another thing coming, you little shit.” I found this most peculiar and took time to form just the right retort. “What the fuck!?” The cupcake sneered at me with what I realized were fangs. “If you try and eat me I’m gonna gnaw your face off. Comprende?

I decided the best course of action would be to throw out the cupcake, which had obviously gone bad. “You can’t throw me out, dip shit, I was given to you and now you have to take care of me, that’s how it works.” He wasn’t a particularly cute cupcake. Aside from the fangs, he had yellow eyes and a raspy voice I couldn’t stand to listen to. I attempted to take the cupcake out of the paper bag, hoping to crumble him up, but he bit one of my pinkies off and there was quite a bit of blood. No one on the street seemed to notice and I didn’t see any reason to make a fuss about it either.

Realizing I couldn’t take the cupcake to my girlfriend’s house, I walked back home, engaging the cupcake in conversation. He said that his name was Dante, he was six years old and he had a cream-cheese based filling. When I got home, I automatically went to put Dante in the refrigerator. “What the hell are you doing!?

You trying to kill me? I’d freeze in there.” He told me that he wanted to sleep and to bring him to my bedroom. After I lay him on my bed and snuggled him with my comforter, I went to the kitchen to get a shot of bourbon. I needed a drink bad.

Before I could open the cabinet to get the bottle there was a knock at my door.

“It’s your girlfriend, open up.” She was fuming. “Where the hell have you been? I waited for you for over two hours.” I told her that I understood that she was upset and rightly so. We made up and started kissing. She wanted to go to the bedroom.

“What do you mean we can’t? Why the fuck not?” I couldn’t think of anything that wasn’t absurd. “You have bed bugs?” It was a long shot but I thought she might buy it. She didn’t. “Do you have another girl in there?” She ran to my bedroom and opened the door, flicking on the lights and shouting, “that’s my boyfriend you’re screwing, you skanky bitch!” This startled Dante and he woke up angry, lunging at my girlfriend, his fangs sticking out.

My girlfriend lay at my feet, the victim of a homicidal red velvet cupcake.

Dante had chewed up her neck like it was a pork loin. “She was tasty. You got anymore girlfriends I could nibble on?” Dante asked with a chuckle. After I paced back and forth for a few hours, Dante stated the obvious. “You can’t leave her here. You need to get rid of the body.” I said that I’d call the police on him and he told me to listen closely to what I was saying, making me laugh with high-strung nervousness. I asked him if he could eat her up and he reminded me that he was a four-ounce cupcake. I asked him if the man I bought him from would be able to help me and he said maybe, so I ran with Dante in the bag to the bakery. The man was still there, naked as a jaybird except for that apron. “Did the muffin kill someone?” he asked in a matter of fact tone. I told him yes, it had killed my girlfriend and I was now faced with the unseemly task of disposing of her body. He told me to bring her to the bakery when it got dark out so I went home to wait for the sun to go down.

When the time came for the removal of my girlfriend, she had begun to smell quite awful. This didn’t bother Dante because he didn’t have a nose. I picked her up and brought her to the bakery, bringing her into the back where the man was. “Put her here. Wow, that cupcake really messed your girl up.” The man was dressed in a shiny purple robe and wore a tall bakers hat on his head. The robe was undone and he was naked underneath. When I inquired why he was always naked he told me that he was a WD-40 nudist. I looked at him with disbelieving eyes and he continued. “A WD-40 nudist likes to keep his or her body well oiled, especially during intercourse. We feel that it makes everything more enjoyable and the smell is quite nice.” That settled that. He pulled my girlfriend into a circle he had made with manure, covering her in the smelly excrement. I began to think that this was all a bit odd and turned around to walk away. He told me to stay for a few more minutes so I did, curious as to what exactly he was up to.

The man began chanting in a weird language and after awhile the muffins began to hop around my dead girlfriend. This is interesting, I thought. What I saw next was pretty peculiar. Her body shriveled up and sunk into the manure and out of it grew a blueberry muffin. “There,” the man said, pleased with himself. “Now all we have to do is bake her for ten minutes at three hundred and fifty degrees and you can take her home.” Ten minutes later, my girlfriend came out of the oven. “Be careful around her. The baking brought her back to life but it also made her just like that red velvet cupcake that killed her. She will wake up in a few hours pretty pissed off. Can you blame her?” I walked home with Dante in one bag and my girlfriend in another. I was kind of depressed. I attempted to give Dante back to the man but he refused. My underhandedness angered Dante and when I tried to put my girlfriend in his bag, he bit my index finger off, laughing maniacally as the blood sprayed on him.

My girlfriend eventually came to. She was more than pissed. She yelled at me so loud that my neighbors called the police. “We received some complaints about you and a woman yelling at one another. Where is the woman? We’ll need to speak with her too.” I told them that she went to the store but they didn’t buy it. They noticed that two of my fingers were missing. “Those wounds look new. Did the lady do that?” I said that I had accidentally cut them off using a power saw. They started to walk around my apartment. Suddenly it hit me that I hadn’t cleaned up the blood in my bedroom from my girlfriend. She and Dante were on the counter, playing pastry. The one cop started walking towards the scene of the crime. The other cop had spotted the lone cupcake and muffin sitting side by side and walked up to them.

I guess he was hungry. He picked up my girlfriend and smelled her. “Mmm, blueberry.” He went to take a bite but before he could my girlfriend yelled at him.

“What the fuck!?” he exclaimed. “That’s a neat trick.” The other cop had heard him and came running into the room. “Hey, check this out. This muffin talks!” “Does the cupcake talk to?” the other officer asked me. Before I could tell him he had picked up Dante. “Put me down, fucker,” Dante said to the befuddled officer. The cops started laughing, softly at first, but then it quickly turned into hysterics. “Holy shit, we gotta call the guys to come check this out.” I pleaded with them not to but they refused to listen to me. I suddenly realized I had no alternative.

The baker was inside the shop, lathering himself with WD-40. “Back so soon? Don’t tell me the blueberry muffin killed someone now?” I explained to him that this time the blood was on my hands. “Bring them inside,” he said calmly. When I brought the first one in the man’s jaw dropped and he yelled at me. “Cops! You brought cops here?” I explained to him that I didn’t know what else to do and was hoping that maybe he could turn them into donuts or something. “It doesn’t work like that, kid. You’re on your own this time.” He kicked me out, dead bodies in tow, and shut the bakery up so that it looked as if it had been abandoned for years. It took me a few hours to get back home, since I was exhausted from hauling the two bodies across town the first time. “There you are, sweetie,” my girlfriend said as I locked the door behind me. I told her that I didn’t know what to do. Other police officers would soon be arriving, checking up on their friends. Dante told me that I had to make it looked like they died by accident. I asked him how and he told me to put the bodies in the police car and drive it off a cliff. “Get a bunch of cans of WD-40 and load the car with them. That’ll make sure it explodes and leaves no trace of the bodies.” I followed Dante’s instructions and it worked. The car made a huge explosion off of Teddy Bear ridge. After that, I lived a relatively normal life with my blueberry muffin girlfriend and our roommate, Dante, the red velvet cupcake. My girlfriend and I continued to have a great sex life and I eventually picked up a fetish for blueberries. I am not allowed to eat any other type of muffin though, or my girlfriend says she will get jealous and bite my dick off the next time she gives me a muffin job.

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The Blamer

Contributor: George Sparling

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The intruder, my brother, stood there, mouth down-curved. He frowned as he scratched his crotch. I walked closer, sickened yet drawn to his peculiar stench. I bent close and smelled vomit, urine, whisky, and dirt. And the stench of blood? He never moved as I sniffed him. His mouth open, his mien neutral, he said, “You were always a freak.” Fear snaked through my entire body for the first time in my life, a cartoon of affliction, filthy squiggles above my electrified hair.

I always thought I had spoken truth, too frightened of lies, how they eat away at your memories until you’re no longer human. She had slung those big legs around my thighs too many times to count while Dad jetted around the world on business trips. One night he found her on top of me as I squealed like a pig. The annulment soon followed.

“Her letters to Dad. I never knew her until I read them. Can’t tell whether it was good or bad to have read them,” he said, rubbing his shaggy beard, and looked at me with eyes the color of mine. “She must’ve read Henry Miller’s ‘Sexus’.”

“I guess you saw those photos, too,” I said. “Did you smell my sperm on them?”

“I saw her face blurry, stained,” he said. “Who took them?” I wouldn’t tell him my twink boyfriend had. One showed my erection slipped to one side, its bulbous tip aroused me whenever I pulled myself off. I had a second set of photos.

In high school, shopping for pants in our small town, she used to lightly graze my crotch with her hand, always the ring-fingered one, as we shopped for pants. “Is there enough room?” she’d ask the saleswoman. What else could I do but let her reign over me.

“Anyway, stepmothers don’t count. It wasn’t incest.” I wanted to put on Mahler, transcendence I badly needed. I resented his presence in the living room, especially when he rubbed his muddy boots on Mom’s oriental rug.

“It’s hard eking out beneath the causeway, dirty stinking clothes that give normal folks the creeps. Of course, that doesn’t matter when some 300 pound psycho dude tries to poke me with his filthy, warty bone.”

“You hate me for kicking you out of Mom’s house after I placed her in a nursing home, don’t you?” I thought that the stumbling block.

“You made her go mad, that I hate.” He trembled as he spoke, hands balled up, face reddened, and I saw a red scar along one cheek I hadn’t noticed when he walked through the door. He must despise me for being clean and unblemished.

“I expected you sooner or later,” I said, but I hadn’t, thinking he was untraceable or dead.

“You don’t know me. I’m a blamer,” he said, “and you know that means?”

He stood up, taller than I was, stronger, too. His brawny hands squeezed my neck, harder and harder until I’d no breath left, until he released me and I fell on the carpet.

I recovered my breath. His knife gleamed in my eye.

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Contributor: Robert E. Petras

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You would think a man with a hollow leg could hold his liquor. But not Stumpy. The more he drank, the worse he staggered. Of course, you would expect such a result from a guy with one real leg.
He didn’t have a prosthetic or anything like that, just a hollow leg that looked hairy and normal, even muscular with veins popping out like a bicyclist’s leg.
I guess when he was sober you couldn’t tell Stumpy had a hollow leg by watching him walk. A trained eye for such things might be able to detect the slightest limp to Stumpy’s stride as though one leg were a quarter-inch shorter than the other. After he drank three beers or so, he staggered a bit, and the more he drunk the worse he staggered, but he never lost his balance as though that hollow leg of his—the left one--was filled with helium or something.
I guess I would spend most of my day drunk if I knew the stuff Stumpy did. The only things I knew about him was the little that T-towners had told me the night before my 40th class reunion when I arrived in the city. They said Stumpy had strayed into the Mile 58 Restaurant and Marina from the Ohio River one day as though he were a piece of driftwood come to life. He soon made a home there, the owner not minding a bit because Stumpy attracted business from all over the Tri-State area. I guess nothing people like to do more than touch something rare, like a hollow leg.
I had heard as many as 50 alumni from my class would be attending our reunion. At dusk, most were already milling upon the artificial flagstone patio outside the restaurant. A string of red and green lights representing the mile markers of the Ohio River twisted overhead exactly in the shape of the big river from Pittsburgh to Cairo, Illinois—981 lights in all. One former classmate whom I did not expect to attend sat upon a stool along the outside bar—Juke, our star football player, who continued his career at State and the pros. He passed away the previous year from lung cancer. His wife Slinky, also a former classmate, brought the urn containing his ashes, one resembling Juke’s face with his square jaw and creased forehead and a red ball cap with two white T’s canted upon his crown, just like the good, old days. An unlit Marlboro dangled from his ceramic lips, like the old days, too.
After plenty of handshaking and kissing, we as a group riveted our gazes upon Stumpy. He wore royal blue and white Bermuda shorts, exposing both his good leg and the hollow one and a sky blue Mile 58 T-shirt, and he was sitting on a wooden lounge chair directly beneath the red lights designating mile 58 on the Ohio River, the only ones displayed with numerals. I never did learn whether T-towners called him Stumpy because of his build or they just couldn’t think of a better name for a guy with one good leg. He appeared to be anywhere from 35 to 50 years of age, depending where he stood under the red and green lights although he wasn’t standing much in the condition he was in. He had hair the color of slate, perfect for his head, which somewhat resembled the crown of Frankenstein’s monster. If it weren’t for the attraction of his hollow leg, people would probably want to see how much stuff they could stack upon his head.
My classmates had called me the Prez ever since they elected me senior class president, my margin of winning one vote over Juke. These same classmates further honored me in the senior yearbook with the distinction of being the most likely to recede. It was a prediction come true. As reigning class president, I had the honor of touching the hollow leg first.
Stumpy remained seated upon the chair, flanked between artificial palm trees, kind of like a Santa Claus in July, except there were no Santa’s helpers unless when you considered the servers, wearing tropical-patterned shirts, all walking with slight limps, I suppose, aping Stumpy. I noticed most of the drinks they served came in plastic glasses resembling the hollow leg.
Stumpy and I exchanged courtesies, and then I stooped and patted his knee, initially like someone touching a snake for the first time, until finally I patted his calf. It felt solid although it also felt like a gutted fish. I pinged my forefinger on the calf; immediately a sound resonated similar to a plastic baseball bat connecting with a pebble. Suddenly I wanted to rub that hollow leg as though it belonged to a genie who granted three wishes. But after I stood, I only wished I hadn’t touched that hollow leg at all, leaving me with a feeling as though I used X-ray glasses to spy on the best looking girl in the class, my penis shrinking permanently for the effort. Some things a person just can’t help doing, no matter the cost.
In our class the best looking girl had always been Chalice, who had promised to keep her virginity until she met the perfect guy. Well, our homecoming queen was standing toward the back of the line of those wanting to touch the hollow leg, still waiting to find the perfect man.
Normally, I would tip a fellow such as Stumpy five dollars; instead, I gave him a one and a promise to buy him a Yuengling Beer later. Then I peeled a five from my wallet, strided across the other side of the flagstone patio, onto the lawn where sat Half Note on a picnic table under the lights defining the headwaters of the Ohio. I held out the five-dollar bill.
“What’s this for?” he asked.
“That’s the five dollars I had promised you to vote for me,” I replied.
Pushing my hand away, he said, “Keep it. I didn’t vote for you.”
“What? You promised.”
“Well, I thought anybody who had to buy votes would sell out to the administration.”
We called him Half Note because of his size and nerdy looks and his musical ability. He was by far the best musician in the T-town High marching band, a guy who could play any instrument.

A few minutes later, Half Note was tapping the hollow leg with all his fingers, playing the Notre Dame fight song, which was ours, too. Half Note sashayed back over to me. “I won’t tell anybody about your trying to bribe me.”
The next thing I knew, Half Note stood in front of Trinket, who was about three times his size, and then he dropped to one knee on the flagstones. “Marry me, Trinket,” he cried. “Make me the happiest man ever to graduate from T-town High.”
Trinket dumped a full leg of pino colada on Half Note’s head, spun on her heels and marched inside the dining room, her nose high in the air.
Meanwhile, Warsh and his wife Flower were standing by themselves in a corner of the patio, their voices still as loud and resonant since they both had starred in the T-town High production of Oklahoma. Warsh had a ruddy complexion, probably from all that construction work he did outside, all that Jack Daniels not helping much, either. Flower, who had also been a majorette and on the homecoming court, still looked attractive, her hair still natural blonde and her body firm, probably from having to do all the chores around the house and yard because Warsh was never around.
Uncharacteristically, Warsh was sipping a Diet Coke and said, “I told you I would quit drinking someday, Baby Shakes.”
“We’ve been through this before,” Flower replied.
“This time I mean it. You know what else? I’m going to give you that big diamond ring I always said I would.”
Warsh dropped to a knee. “Would you marry me again, my darling?”
I knew Flower was still married to Warsh because she was wearing the same thin wedding band she wore since they wedded just after graduating from high school.
“No, never,” Flower cried. “I told myself if I had to do it all over again, I would never marry you if you were the last man on earth.”
The next time I saw Warsh, he was sitting in a corner of the dining room by himself, under a mermaid with the face of the Mona Lisa, pounding down shots of Diet Coke. Suddenly he jumped up and headed toward the patio when he espied his wife across the room, chatting with an alum we called Pixel, not so much because he was the artist of our class, rather because of all his freckles. Warsh yelled, “I am going to build you that spare room I always said I would.”
“You do that!” Flower called back, “and I’ll give you that blow job I promised!”
They had some kind of strange marriage, I thought, having experienced three strange ones myself.
Surrounding me—all kinds of weird events were unfolding. A few more fellows were proposing marriage to Trinket, including the Donkey Dick, the class lothario.
I handed Stumpy the Yuengling I had promised him as Father Pious approached. Ever since I had known him clear back in first grade at St. Francis School, Pious had dreamed about becoming Pope some day. He always played priest, pretending to give us communion and blessing us. He pretended to hear our confessions, too. I always liked the look on his red face after I confessed I played with myself while I fantasized spanking Chalice’s bare butt. Pious would always give me a stiff penance like ten Our Fathers and five Hail Marys, and then I would tell him to go fuck himself.
I didn’t hang around because I knew he was going to nag me about attending mass and to hear my confession. After all these years, I still hadn’t promised him anything. I knew, too, no matter how pure and disciplined by his faith and ambitions to become Pope, Father Pious could not resist touching that hollow leg as though it were the relic shinbone of Saint Teresa.
Stumpy stood in respect for Father Pious. He kept his balance, all right, but his eyes were staggering and then I sauntered across the patio.
Moments later, Father Pious was jostling in line with Half Note, and Donkey Dick, trying to propose to Trinket. I guess they all at one time or another vowed to marry Trinket some day if she would screw them. Personally, from what I can tell you, you didn’t have to go to such extremes with Trinket. All you had to do was ask her whether she wanted to fuck. There’s no such thing as a stupid question, I learned long ago.
All kind of chaos had erupted. People were shelling out money and checks and recipes. Men and women were sitting with their ex-girlfriends and ex-boyfriends, going to T-town, while fistfights were breaking out on the lawns surrounding Mile 58. “I told you I would kick your ass someday!” Spud, a former classmate screamed.
Suddenly emerging from the darkness onto the patio was Warsh, running while holding aloft a huge diamond ring, sirens wailing in the distance.
Back when we were 15, Warsh smashed the window of a corner grocery with a brick and then vaulted inside and returned moments later cradling two cases of Iron City Beer. I kept my promise to never tell a soul. As the sirens blared closer, I visualized Warsh repeating the crime at a jewelry store.
He rushed inside Mile 58, only to see his wife giving Pixel a massage while Pixel sketched a drawing of her in a corner under a painting of daVinci’s Last Supper, except the Apostles were all smoking joints. I guess she fulfilled a promise from clear back in seventh grade because she had dated Warsh exclusively since eighth grade.
Around the dining room, classmates and their spouses and consorts were swapping vows of love, calling one another on their cell phones—even though they were sitting at the same table or across the room—writing letters, fulfilling rematches of arm wrestling, Donkey Dick giving the shirt off his back to Father Pious. Chalice sat in a corner beneath a painting of Medusa’s ass by herself, knitting a sweater. Old Warsh was tapping on his wife’s shoulder, but she kept kneading away as though freckles were going out of style.
I went outside to witness pretty much the same kind of action occurring, except Stumpy was standing and wobbling. Slinky, heaving and sobbing, was on both knees below him, rubbing the urn containing her late husband’s ashes all over the hollow leg. “You promised you would never leave me. You promised. You promised.”
The man with the hollow leg pushed Slinky away by the shoulders and then turned toward the river and marched straight down the hill, echoing the sound of one leg walking until he reached the water thirty feet below us.
Slinky sunk to the ground, prostrate, still heaving and sobbing. I lay beside Slinky and hugged her. When she finally regained her composure, I helped her stand and continued hugging her.
I guess some promises you just can’t keep.
A minute or so later, the police and the wailing sirens arrived. People lumbered outside red-faced, pinching and slapping themselves as though they had just snapped out of a spell or a living dream. I stretched my neck to search for the man with the hollow leg. All I could see was a large log floating downstream, encircled within a halo of moonlight.
As a large cop prepared to stuff the handcuffed Warsh inside a patrol car, Warsh yelled to his wife, “Don’t forget to bring my flask, honey!”
Everybody remaining at the class reunion felt bad for Slinky and decided to revote for senior class president because Half Note squealed I had tried to bribe him with five dollars.
We revoted. I won only two votes.
As a victory cigar smoldered from Juke’s ceramic lips, I danced all night with Chalice. I might not have been the perfect guy, but I could always settle for second best.

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Robert E. Petras is a resident of Toronto, Ohio and a graduate of West Liberty University. His work has appeared in more than 120 publications, including two previous short stories in Razor Dildo.
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Contributor: Dionysus Birnbaum

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My favorite animal is the
Human, he told me that
Night, as his shape left
Me and he unpeeled the
Latex from himself.
His veins,
Thick cords winding from the
Cable of his arms. The
Pads of his fingers bulged
Like dripping water
When he
Traced the stretch marks on
My thighs, the scars left
By growing. When he traced
The stretch marks on my
I don't shudder anymore.

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Alfonsina’s Dream of Love and Comfort

Contributor: Samantha Memi

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The full moon silvers the rain swept street. A dog howls in the distance as the moon hides behind a cloud. A bottle, blown by the wind, rattles along the road. From a corner appears a man, raincoat collar turned up against the inclement weather. He walks till he comes to the grandest house in the street.

He taps lightly on a window and waits. The window opens.

"Alfredo," comes a wispy voice from inside, and a wispy face appears, pallid in the moonlight, anaemic with blood red lips and coal black eyes, "you came."

"I said I would. A boat leaves for Panama at five."

"I cannot go with you Alfredo."

"What do you mean?"

"If I run away with you my father will disown me. You have no money. We will have to live in flea ridden rooms."

"Alfonsina, this cannot be true. Everything is arranged. I will work hard. I will provide you with everything you want."

"But I'm used to having servants wait on my every need. I know you're a good fuck, and I've enjoyed shagging you. But there's got to be more in my life than a stud in my bed."

"Is that all I am to you – a good time in bed."

"No no Alfredo, I love your soft lips and the witty things you say to make me laugh, but my father has power, he would not relent from pursuing you. We would always feel hunted, constantly having to move. I have another idea. Come closer."

Alfonsina whispers to Alfredo.

"My mother wants me to marry Admiral Ramon Eduardo Garcia de la Sierra."
Alfredo gasps, "he's so old."

"Shh, my love, I know he's old. But he's always away on one of his ships so we could meet as often as you wish and we can shag till I'm bandy and you're knock-kneed, and neither of us can walk properly. Sounds good, yes?"

"I don't like to think of you in bed with that horrible old man."

"He has a chauffeur, servants, gardeners, beautiful furniture, holiday chalets, I need those things."

Alfredo looks saddened, he realises the only way he can have anything of Alfonsina is to agree to her wishes, and she is so delightful in bed, soft and white and squelchy.

Alfonsina marries her Admiral. Their wedding night consists of his arthritic hands fondling her soft body and trying to squeeze between her held-fast thighs.

“I'm sorry Ramon, I'm a virgin, I'm so nervous. Please don't scare me."
And she cries.

He leaves to sleep in the guest room. She knows he sees prostitutes and hopes they will satisfy him enough so he won't bother her too often.

A few days later the Admiral has to leave to attend naval exercises.

Alfonsina goes to see her lover Alfredo. She takes a route through back alleys and side streets. She doesn’t want to be seen. She is unaware of being followed. A servant has been entrusted by Ramon to take note of every movement Alfonsina makes, whom she sees, where, and for how long.

Alfredo has booked a room in a seedy hotel. It’s all he can afford. He will book similar rooms over the next two weeks.

Dusk is bringing an end to the day. Bats swarm, silhouetted against the red sky. Alfonsina hurries into the hotel and quickly finds room seven. She hasn’t seen Alfredo for many months. When they meet their bodies glue together with hot kisses and hands caressing and undressing.

The bed squeaks. It annoys Alfonsina, but not enough to disturb her pleasure. After the warmth of loving they lay in each other’s arms, and each wishes to stay like this for ever.

But blushing Alfonsina, flushed after a second bout of lovemaking, must return to her master’s house. She promises Alfredo to meet him again in two days’ time, then hurries away into the night. Following unlit passageways, she scurries along. her skin tingling for the first time for months, her eyes bright like a cat’s, her body warmed from animal passion. Unknown to Alfonsina, she is followed.


Admiral Ramon de la Sierra bangs on his desk. His face is red then purple. Enraged by his wife’s infidelity, he wants to take her and rape her and throw her to his hounds. But instead he waits.

Two weeks later, when he has enough evidence to prove the adultery of his treacherous wife, he informs his friend, the commissioner of police. Alfonsina and Alfredo are arrested.

Alfonsina's mother is afraid the trial will bring disgrace to the family name. She begs her husband to talk to Admiral Garcia, but the process of law, once begun, must follow its inexorable course.

The lovers are found guilty of transgressing the norms of a Christian society and sentenced to death. Alfonsina's mother tries to intercede but is overruled by her husband.

Blindfolded, the lovers stand together in front of the firing squad.

Alfredo remembers her mouth over his cock, and the memory gives him an erection which stays even after a bullet shatters his brain.

Alfonsina thinks of the warmth of his arms around her, his breath on her neck, his kisses covering her mouth, and her heart ripples till a bullet splits it in two.

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Samantha Memi is an historian and translator of 19thC Spanish documents. Examples of her historical research can be found at http://samanthamemi.weebly.com/
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