
Razor Dildo is adult fiction. It's a place that publishes stories either too violent, too erotic or too crazy for mainsteam markets. Prepare to be scared. Prepare to be turned on. Prepare to be mindfucked. Providing a platform for both new and established authors to reach readers based solely on the merit of each individual piece of writing, Razor Dildo endeavors to give unheard authors the voice they deserve, the readership they crave, and the respect they're owed. Only the people decide what stories are best.

Currently, Razor Dildo is edited by author E.S. Wynn

If you like the site and want to see more, consider buying a book (or a CD) from the store at Thunderune Publishing. Profits from all sales go toward funding Razor Dildo and other independently magazines providing free fiction to readers all over the world. We couldn't do this without your support. :)

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